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GALSW - GAQ (617)

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    Author: ORTHY (John)


    GALSV1ORTHY (John). The Works of John Galsworthy. Grove edition. [Continued.) 21. The Inn of tranquillity and other impressions. Verses new and old. 1936. 12. The Forsyte saga. Vol. 1. The man of property. 1933. lLi.. The Forsyte saga. Vol. 3. Awakening. To let. 1933. 15. Satires and a commentary. 1935. 16, Caravan. Vol. 1. A Stoic. 1932. 17. Caravan. Vol. 2. The apple tree, 1936. 18. Caravan. Vol. 3. The first and the last. 1935. 19, A Modern c . 1. The White on1cey. A Silent wooirig. 1931. [E N1XT CARD.] I

    Card ID: 8

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    Author: Y (John)


    10 r GALSWORThY (John). The Works at John Galaworthy. Grove edition. [Continued.] 20. A Modern comedy. Vol. 2. The Silver spoon. Passers by. 1933. 21. A Moderricomedy. Vol. 3. Swan song. l93U. 22. On Forsyte ‘change. 1938. 23. Candelabra: selected essays and addresses. 1933. 214.. Maid in waiting. 1939. 25. Flowering wilderness. 1936. 26. Over the river. 1937. ESEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 9

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    Author: No Author available


    Taf’.Ie” LISRp.F t-]J cJ1f:.w4-o1.j iq - 4, FFa:i’C Oi’LY GALS WORTHY (John). The Works of John Galswortby. Grove edit ior C Continued. J [Another copy of vol.23.) This copy is of the first edition, 192. S.L.C., !I.23.

    Card ID: 10

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    Author: No Author available


    RhR’! [s.L.] II. [Galavorthy, J. — 1909] ONLY GALSWORTHY (John). [Smaller Collections.) Pisys. [First series.) The Silver box. Strife. pp. + 29. 80. London, 1909.

    Card ID: 11

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    Author: No Author available


    .‘1o — qjc GALSWORTHY (Jom). [Srnallr Collecticns.J Plays. 6 vols. 80. London, 1919—25. 1. The Silver box. Joy. Strife. (New impression. 1924. 2. The Eldest son. The little dream. Justice. [1923]. 3. The Fugitive. The pigeon. The mob. (Third impression.) 191 9. 4. A Bit o’love.. The foundations. The skiki. game. [192]. 5 A Family mp’ T.l4.jes. Windows. [1922]. 6. The Forest. Old English. The show. 1925.

    Card ID: 12

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    Author: GALSWORTHY (John)


    STERL!PGLIBRARY — REFEFECE 0LY GALSWORTHY (John). [Smaller Collectiona.] The Forsyte saga. pp. xvi. + 870. Folded genealogical table. 8°. New York, 1922. S.L.C.,, 11.213. [First English edition.] pp. xvi. + 11O’4. Folded genealogical table. 8°. London, 1922. s.i.c., i: ESEE NEXT CARD.J

    Card ID: 13

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    Author: No Author available


    srLL’Q L — .r ‘‘ GALSWORTHY (John). [Smaller Collections.] The Forsyte saga. [Continued.] [Another edition.] pp. xvi. + 1104. Portrait and folded genealogical table. 8°. London, 1922. No.235 of 275 copies sined by the author. S.T.C., II.2.

    Card ID: 14

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    Author: No Author available


    rrr Fc0--t — i (‘.Lf1’ LfM: E1.iCE O ‘LV GALSW0RHY (John). [Smaller Coflectjons.] Caravan: the assenibled tales of Joim Galsworbhy. pp. x. + 950. 8°. London, 1925. S.L.C.,_ 11.218. CAnother copy.] Wanting a prellminary blank leaf and. another at the end. Rebound. ESEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 15

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    Author: No Author available


    1EYLl” -Ji -- 2. PEFEf’”‘“‘ GALSWORTHY (John) (Smaller Collections.] Caravan, etc. £ in. J [Another edition.) pp. x. + 950. Portrait. L.P. 8°. London, 1925. No.114 of 26 copies signed by the author. S.L.C., . 19. [Another edition.) pp. x. ÷ 95O’ 80. London, 1926.

    Card ID: 16

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    Author: No Author available


    • -CJh GALSWORPItY’ (Jom). [Smaller Collections.): Six s]aort plays. (The First and tl:ie last. The Little nan. Hall-marIed, Defeat. The Sun. Punch and go.) pp. 142. 0 B . London, [19.J —--—[Another edition,] (The New Readers Malcolm 21i.) pp. lL2. Collectiou 1 8°. London, 1929.

    Card ID: 17

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    Author: No Author available


    TERLhG LIP/FY L . - EFERE[CE O’LY 9LC1 GALSWORHTY (Jo1m). [Smaller Collections.) A Modern comedy. pp. xvii. + 1088. Folded genealogical table. 8. Iondon, 1929. Mo. 540 of 1030 copies signed by the author. With an inscription by the author on the issue. S.L.C., II. 25.

    Card ID: 18

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    Author: No Author available


    GALSWC! (John). [Smaner Coueetioaw.j The Plays of John Gslmrortlq. pp. (8) • 1150. STERLING L1CRARY 8 IoMms, 1929. RaFEErcE oNbJ,.ethn Malcolm Morley Y[*aother Sss,s.j pp. (8) • 1150. t. LoMon, 1929. No. 59 of 1273 conIes an hanvtaIe taper sLu by [Sn t CUD.]

    Card ID: 19