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PE - PEARS (595)

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    Author: PEARSON (Weetznan Dickinson)


    PEARSON (Weetznan Dickinson), Viscount Cowdray. See MIDDLEMAS (Robert Keith). The Master builders: Thomas Brassey, Sir John Aird, Lord Cowdray, Sir John N0rton—Griffiths, etc. London, 1963.

    Card ID: 588

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    Author: No Author available


    .f 1 PEARSON (William), of Shrewsbur_y. Picturesque views of the churches of London, from original drawings, by W.Pearson. (Ecclesiastical architecture of London, being a complete series of views of the churches in the metropolis, etc.) Nos. 1—7 in 1 vol. 4°. London, 1811—14L Catalogued from the wrapers. The wraers of Nos. IVII. bear the title ItEcciesiastical architecture of London, etc.” ch prt conins 10 plates and Part XL. containspges letterpress describing the [SEE i’XT CARD.)

    Card ID: 589

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    Author: No Author available


    1. ,‘:-ç_ it:i’ ft; ••_••_• PEARSON (William), of Shrewsiry. Picturesque views of the churches of London, [Continued.] Teinpç_ Church. Wanting Ns, VIII.—I,containing plates 71—9. No more published. Bound In a volume lettered: Ecclesiastical Architecture of London.

    Card ID: 590

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    Author: No Author available


    II -‘a.. PEARSON (Wiflien), of Shrewsbury. “j Se].eot views of the antl4uities of Shropehire, with a. desoritive aooont of ea.oh build.izig. 40 plates. [11.1.] 4. London, Shrewsbury [printed, 1807].

    Card ID: 591

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    Author: PEARSON (William Alexander)


    DEPO&ITOl’ PEARSON (William Alexander) and HEPBURN (Joseph Samuel). Physiological and clinical chemistry...Second edition. . .revised. Illustrated, etc. pp. 467. — 8°. London, [U.S.A. printed], 1938.

    Card ID: 592

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    Author: PEARSON (William Alexander) and HEPBURN (Joseph Samuel)


    DEPOSITOiJ PEARSON (William Alexander) and HEPBURN (Joseph Samuel). Physiological and clinIeäl chemistry...Second edition.. .revised. Iflustrated, etc. pp. 467. — 0 8 . London, [US.A. printed], 1938.

    Card ID: 593

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    Author: PEARSON (William Harrison)


    PEARSON (William Harrison). A Comparative study of Patmore, Hopkins and Francis Thompson, entailing an examination of their leading ideas and poetic techniques, with a view to discovery of what community there is, if any, in their literary aims, methods and techniques, and whether they can be called a Catholic school of poetry. [With a bib1ioraphy. Typewritten thesis submitted for the degree of Ph.D. of the University of London in 1952.] 2 vols. 1952.

    Card ID: 594

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    Author: JERVIS (William Henley)


    PEARSON, afterwards JERVIS (William Henley). A History of Wraaice froza the earliest, times + the fail of the Second Empire in 187O. Thoroih.ty revised and in great part i’s— wt’itten by A. Hassall, with a chapter on ancient Gaul by F. Haverfield. With.. znp9 and 0e2gravings. Nw impressiQn. [With a bibliograpby.] (The Student’s Manuals.) pp. x. + 707. 8°. Londor, 1902.

    Card ID: 595