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    Author: THOMSON (Charles Edward Poulett)


    THOMSON (Charles Edward Poulett), Baron Sdeian. See SCROPE (&.p.) Memoir of the life of the Right Honourable Charles Lord Sydenhain, etc. London, 1843.

    Card ID: 544

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    Author: THOMSON (Charles Edward Poulett)


    THOMSON (Charles Edward Poulett), ran Sydenhan. SENIOR (N. w.) Letters on the Factory Act, as it affects the cotton manufacture.. .and minutes of a conversation between Mr. E. AsIiworth, Mr Thor.son and Mr • Seiijor. London, 1837.

    Card ID: 545

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    Author: ON (Sir Charles Wyville)


    DEPOSIIU Lt ROM8ON (Sir Charles Wyville). Thetchallenger’ Zxpedition: papers by Sir VI. Thomeon, Mr. Murray, Mr. Moeeley, Mr. Buoharan and the late Dr. von iflem5es- Suhm, the Royal Society, and. printed in their Proceedings, (No. 170, 1876), etc. pp. (4) + 463—66. Plates, t8ble8,lded naps and. charts. - 0 8 London, 1876.

    Card ID: 546

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    Author: No Author available


    •DEPOStTOR.. 1. THMSON (Sir Charles Wyville). Report on the scientific results of the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1872—76, under the command of Sir G. S. Na.res and... P. T. Thomson. Prepared under the superintendence of Sir C. W. Thomson (and...J. Muira.y), etc. [With bibliographies. 41 vols. Th50. Plates, illustrations, maps and tables. V. -. 40• London, l88O—9. 1. Narrative. 2 vols. in 3. (i88—82) 2. Physics and chemistry. 2 vole. (1884—89.) 3. Deep—sea deposits. I vol. . (1891.) V 4. Botany. 2 vols. (1886.) [SEE NEXT CaRD.]

    Card ID: 547

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    Author: THOMSON (Sir Charles Wyville)


    THOMSON (Sir Charles Wyville). Report on the scientitio results of the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger, etc. [CONTINUED.] 5. Zoology. 32vols. in 40. (1880—89.) 6. Summary. 2 vols. (1895.) 6.R3. [Another copy of 2. Vol. 1., Part 1.] 2.

    Card ID: 548

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    Author: THOMSON (Sir Charles Wyviile)


    DEPOSITORY THOMSON (Sir Charles Wyviile). The Voyage of the ‘Challenger’. The Atlantic: a preliminary account of the general results of the exploring voyage of HJ.S.’Cha1lenger’ during the year T873 and the early part of the year 1876. 2 vols. Portrait illtrations, charts jgrams tables d folded 8°. Lcn4on 1877.

    Card ID: 549

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    Author: THOMSON (Sir Charles Wyville)


    THOMSON (Sir Charles Wyville). See PORCUPINE, HJ.urveying—vesse1. Preliminary report of the...eploration of the deep sea. • .conduoted. ,W.Thorn— son, etc. [London, 1869.]

    Card ID: 550

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    Author: THOMSON (Chi’istopher Birdwood)


    C-k ‘ THOMSON (Chi’istopher Birdwood) BarQThomso of Cardington. Old Europe’s suicide; or, the Building of a pyramid of errors. An account of certain events in Europe during the period 1912—1919. pp. (4) + x. + i88 Yolded map. 0 16 . Manchester and London, [1920].

    Card ID: 551

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    Author: No Author available


    cr LJo’i:’J. THOMSON (Clara Link1aer). A ‘irst book in English 1ierature. 6 vols. Illustrations. 0 S . London, [1910—42 j. 1. To Wycliffe and Lan1and. 2. From Chaucer to Iyndsa.y. Seeond edition. 3. From Ijndsa.y to Bacon. 4. From Beaumont and Fletcher to Dryden. . Pope to Burns. 6. y!ordsworth to Tenn.yson.

    Card ID: 552

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    Author: THOMSON (Clara Linklater)


    NI THOMSON (Clara Linklater). George Eliot. [With a bibliography.] (The Weetnin8ter Biographies.) pp. (2) + xii. + 132. Portrait. 16°. London, {1901].

    Card ID: 553

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    Author: SON (Clara Linklater)


    1 •1 THOiSON (Clara Linklater). Jaxie Austen: a survey. LWith a bibliography.] pp. 303. 0 8 . jdon, 1929.

    Card ID: 554

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    Author: No Author available


    2.44. THO1SON (Clara Linklater). The Teaching of Eng].ish...Paper read at the annual meeting of the (Incorporated) Association (of Assistant ilistresses), January 12th, 1907. pp. 15. o . [London, 1907].

    Card ID: 555