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    Author: RBER (Edward)


    £RBER (Edward). SD)- ‘jLt ct& English reprints. Edited by E. Arber. 15. PUTTENKALI (George). The Arte of English poesie (June?) 1589. [With a bibliography.] pp.320. tL.P.J 40 London, 1869. Bound in a volume lettered: Vol.?. ‘ in 1 [Another issue.) Ic LvtkrJtrtvj 8 . London, 1869. [SEE NEXT CARDJ

    Card ID: 517

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    Author: No Author available


    ‘3. ‘ sci soOEEr’ FEqBNOU 0i.V ARBER (Edward). English reprints. Edited by E.Arber. 15. PUTTENHAM (George). The Arte of English poesie, etc. [Continued.] [A reprint.] pp. 320. 8°. London, 1895.

    Card ID: 518

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    Author: IBER (Edward)


    IBER (Edward). E1ish reprints. Edited. by E.. Arber. 16. HOWELL (Je.mes), ffistoriographer Royal to Charles II. Instructions for forreine trave].1, 1642. Collated with the second edition of 1650, etc. [With a bibliography.] pp.88. FacsimTT. IL.?.] 4. Iondon, 1869. Bowid with os.1?,l8,19, in a volume 1etteredVo1.8. ____[nother issue..] Bound with Nos..]..7,i6..19. 8°.Loion’ 1869.

    Card ID: 519

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    Author: ARBER (Edward)


    - ARBER (Edward). 4 English reprints. Edited by E. Arber. 17. UDALL (Nicholas). Roister Doister, written, probably also represented, before 1553.. .Edited from the unique copy now at Eton College. [With a bibliography.] pp.88. Facsimile. [L.P.) 4° London, 1869. Biid with Nos.16,].8j9, in a volume lettered: Vol.8. _[Another isue.J Bound with Nos.1F’-1R-19 8 . ofldrniI89e

    Card ID: 520

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    Author: No Author available


    .. -Lb-J’ -. a. - p - cI, A1BR (Edward), -• -fr En1ish reprints. idited by E. Arber. 18. 1EVELTION. The Revelation to the Monk of Evesham, 1196. Carefully edited. from the unique copy, now in the British ?useum, of the edition printed by William de Maehlinia, about 1482. pp.112. [L.P.] London, 1869. Bound with !os.16,].7L].9,ifl a volume lettered: Vol.8. [Another issue.] Bound in a volume with Nos.16,17,19. I. See nelt card.]

    Card ID: 521

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    Author: No Author available


    o$dIORY 2. IiRBER (Edwrd), 1ng1ish reprints. Edited by L Arber. 18. REV]MTION. The eve1ation to the Monk of Eve sham, 1196, etc. [Continued.) LA reprint.] pp. 112. 8. Westminster, - 1895.

    Card ID: 522

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    Author: No Author available


    ojAc.j ac’)- ‘‘ - RBIR (F4v,ardj. nglish reprints. ditea. by E. Arber. 19. JA1sIES I. ,Zig of Great Britain and Ireland Tho Essayos of a prentise in the divine art of poosie...1585. A counterblaste to tooacoo...1604. [With a bibliography.] pp. 120. Facsimiles. [L.P.) 8 • London, 1869. Bound with Nos.16,l’7,18,in i volume lettered: Vol.. [See next card.)

    Card ID: 523

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    Author: BJR (Edward)


    80 : , A1BJR (Edward). English reprints. Edited by E. Arber. 19. JAMES I. ,King of Great Britain and Ireland. The 1ssayes of a prentiso in the divine art of poesie, etc. [Coritinued.] [Another copy.] Bound in a voliime with Nos.16,17,18. (?cIi11I øc j’s t.J [Another issue.] 8 . Westminster, 1695.

    Card ID: 524

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    Author: No Author available


    .4RB (Edwar ci). r 1&. i’ 4J.’V4, English reprints. Edited by E. Arbor. 20. NAUNTON (Sir Robert). Fragmenta regalia...Written about 1630. Repri.nted from the third. posthumous edition of I65. [With a bibliography.] pp.64. Facsimile. [L..) 0 4 . London, l8’Q. Bound with No.2lj.a volume lettered.: Vol.10. r LAnother issue.) o J 8 . London, 1870. Bound with No2 [SEE NEXT CARD.J

    Card ID: 525

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    Author: ARBER (Edward)


    ARBER (Edward). - English reprints. Edited by E.Arber. 20. NAUNTON (j Robert). Fragmenta regalia, [Continued. I [Another copy.)

    Card ID: 526

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    Author: ABER (Edward)


    ABER (Edward). English reprints. Edited by E. Arber. 21. WATSON (Thomas), the Poet. Poems viz.:- Phe’Eai9(, or Passionate oenturieof love, 1582, Le1ibaeus, sivé 1c1oga inobitun...159O, An eglogue upon the deatbf...Sir Frwcis Walsingham, 1590, The tee.res of fanoy or love disdained.. .published in .1593, etc. [With a bib1iograph.) pp.208. Facsim Iles. IL.?.] 0 4. London, 1870. Bound v.’ith Vo.20, ir o. Volume lettered: Vol.10. [See next carI..3

    Card ID: 527

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    Author: No Author available


    -. ARBER (Edviard). ng1ish reprints. Edited. by E. After. 2].. WATSON (Thomas), the Poet. poems, etc. [Continued.) [Another issue.) 8°. London, 1870. Eound in a vo].txne with No.20.

    Card ID: 528