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    Author: SOTHERAN (Henry)


    r60 SOTHERAN (Henry), ltd. Catalogue of standard works on mathematics, pure and applied, including the Library of the late John Edward Campbell...and selections from that of Andrew Russell Forsyth, etc. (Sotheran’s Price Current of Literature. No. 72. 8°. London, 1925. Catulogued from the wrapper. Bound in a volume lettered: Sotheran?s Science Catalogues. 1925-1933.

    Card ID: 516

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    Author: SOTHERAN (Henry)


    SOTHERAN (Henry), i&. A Choice of books old and new: the Charles Dickens number, comprising first editions of his works, autograph letters by him and his circle. Also original drawings to Thackoray...books on Persia, and the Hardinge collection of Persian paintings, the new books of the month, English and French. (Sotheran’s Price Current of Literature. No. 22.) pp. 72. Plates and facsimiles. 8°. London, 1951.

    Card ID: 517

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    Author: SOTHEAN (Henry)


    SOTHEAN (Henry), Ltd. Classified catalogue of second—hand books on geology, mineralogy, mining and metallurgy, including the Library of the late Professor Hilary Bauerman, etc. (Sotheranis Price rent of Literature. No. 709.) pp& 8°. London, 1910. Catalogued from the wraoper. - Bound in a vo1umëIIttere: Sotheran’s Science Catalogues. 1910—191s.

    Card ID: 518

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    Author: SOTHERAN (Henry)


    E3oI’4 SOTHERAN (Henry), Ltd., Booksellers. Coronation number. Illustrated catalogue of magnificent Cosviay and jewelled bindings... extra—illustrated books, association volumes... the...Prescott Shakespeare collection, original drawings by Sir J.Tenniel, q. pp. 8o. Plates. no - o Loncion, 1911. Bound in a volume lettered: Illustrated Catalogues of Books, etc.

    Card ID: 519

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    Author: No Author available


    L_ og.4. SOTliERAis (Henry), Ltd,., Booksellers. The History of civilization, as shown in a catalogue of second—hand books on anthropology, folk—lore, archaeology and socio1og, containing the library of...Sir L.Gomme, (Stheran1s Price Current of Liter ture, No. 769.) pp. 216. 0 S . [London, 1917]. Bouxi in a yQLume lettered: illustrated Catalogue Bo1, etc.

    Card ID: 520

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    Author: SOTHERAN (Henry)


    SOTHERAN (Henry), Ltd. An Illustrated catalogue of books, engravings, & caricatures relating to the French Revolution and Napoleon, together with autographs and documents, etc. (Piccadi11 Series. No. 90.) pp. 8o. Portraits, plates and facsimiles. 8°. London, 1926.

    Card ID: 521

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    Author: SOTHEFAN (Henry)


    c,’ •t SOTHEFAN (Henry), L. Illustrated catalogue of books in beautiful old bindings, the Dr. R.T.Jupp collection of Charles Dickens’s works, autographs, MSS., etc., also of a collection of letters and relics of the original Dora of David Copperfield, works on the fine arts and sporting books, and of an extensIve collection of old shorthand books. (Piccadilly Series. No. 68.) pp. 120. Plates and facsimiles. 8°. Londoh, [1920].

    Card ID: 522

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    Author: SOTHEBAN (Henry)


    0 l i- t5Lzi] (Qz SOTHEBAN (Henry), Illustrated catalogue of interesting second—hand books, including part of the library of Frederick Wil.liam Robertson...cornprising early printed books, bibliography...To which are added Charles Dickens’s first contribution to literature, and the collection of relics of the original Dora of. David Copperfield, etc. (Piccadifly $eries. No. 97.) pp. 148. Plates and facsimiles. 80. London, 1928.

    Card ID: 523

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    Author: SOTHERAN (Ienry)


    SOTHERAN (Ienry), Bpokse11. Illustrabed catalogue of scarce aud interesting engravings, books & autographs relating to Queen Marie Antoinette and the French Revolution, . (otheran’s Price Current of Literatu, IJo. 747.) pp. 117. PQrtraits,la.tes and fac sini1. 0 8 . Londop 1914. Bound in a volune lettered: Iilustrpte& Cata’ogues of Books and 1188. I.

    Card ID: 524

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    Author: SOTHERAN (Henry)


    tSV1- • SOTHERAN (Henry), Ltd., Booksellers. Piccadilly notes.Nos. 2, 3, 5, 7—13, 15, 18. 15 parts. Plates and facsimiles. 8°. London, 1933—36. Lc3 [Another copy of No. 13 and supplements.J

    Card ID: 525

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    Author: SOTHERAN (Henry)


    !i SOTHERAN (Henry), The Piccadilly register of interesting new books, English, French and German, and cheap renainders. Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5. 0 - - 8 . London, 1936—)7.

    Card ID: 526

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    Author: SOTHEAN (aenry)


    SOTHEAN (aenry). See TODD (j.), Bookseller, Stoneate, York and SOThERAN (Henry). ti Facsimile revroductiori of a unique catalogue (1768... by J.Todd and H. Sotheran) of Laurence Sterne’s library, . London and New York, 1930.

    Card ID: 527