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EIR - ELIOT. G (602)

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    Author: ELIOT (Charles William)


    ELIOT (Charles William). S HOWE (M&rI .DcW.) Classic shades: five leaders of learning and their colleges, (The Harvard figure of Charles William Eliot.) pp. 163—199. 1928. d I

    Card ID: 506

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    Author: No Author available


    ., DEpOsITcay ELIOT (Charles William). See JA(ES (Henry), Son of William James. Charles W. Eliot, president of Harvard University 1869—1909. Boston fjass.) and New York, 1950.

    Card ID: 507

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    Author: ELIOT (Ciar1os Wilhim Join)


    Eli ELIOT (Ciar1os Wilhim Join). Oosta1 cternos of Attika: a studt of t3e policy of KLeiEthencs. (phoenix. Supplementary Volumes, 5.) pp. viii. + 1U1. Blbliograpliy nd maps. 8° • ronto, 1962.

    Card ID: 508

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    Author: ELIOT (George)


    - I I ELIOT (George),. [i.e. Marian EVANS, afterwards - CROSS.] The Works of George £liot. (Standard edition.). 21 vols. 8°. Ed.nbugh and £ndon,[1895— 96]. 1—2. Adam Bede. 2 völs.[1895]. 5—5. Daniel Deronda. 5 vols. 1.1 895]. 6—7.. Felix Holt, the Radical. 2 vols. [1895]. 8. The Legend of Jubal, and other. ooems, olid and new. [1895). 9—il. Middlemarch: a study of provincial life. 3 vols. [1895). 12—13. The il1 - ‘“ 1.oss. 2 vols. [fl395]. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 509

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    Author: ELIOT (George)


    1N E35A 895 ELIOT (George), pseud. [i.e. Harian EVANS, afterwards CROSS.] The Works of George Eliot. (Standard edition.) [Continued.] ltt-15. Romola. 2 vols. [1895]. 16-17. Scenes of clerical life. 2 vols. [1895]. 18. Silas Karner. The Lifted veil. Brother Jacob. [1895.] 19. Essays and leaves from a notebook. [1896]. 20. The Spanish gypsy. [1896]. 21. Impressions of Theophrastus Such. [1896]. - a.

    Card ID: 510

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    Author: ELIOT (George)


    YN 35A 895 ELIOT (George)1 eud. Ei.e. Marian EVANS, afterwards CROSS.) The Works of George Eliot. (Standard vdition.) [Continued.) CAnother copy of Vols. 6) t]

    Card ID: 511

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    Author: ELIOT (George)


    1 ELIOT (George), tseud. [i.e Uarian EVANS, afterwards CROSS . j The Works of George Eliot. (illustrated copyright edition.) 21 vols. 8°. LonQz, C19o8113.

    Card ID: 512

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    Author: ELIOT (George)


    ELIOT (George), eud; Ci.e. MarianEVANS, afterwards CROSS.J [Smaller Coilections..L•.. Essays and reviews..not hitherto reprinted. Together with an introductory essay on the genius of Geor Eliot, by S.B.Herrick. pp. xxxiii. + .(.2’+ 8—192. 8°. Boston [Mas.], 1887.

    Card ID: 513

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    Author: ELIOT (George)


    IM ELIOT (George), pse. [i.e. Marian EVANS, afterwards CROSS.] CSmaller Collections.] The Spanish gypsy, the Legend of Jubal and other poems, old and new. pp. (6) + 363. Frontispiece. 8°. Edinburgh and [1901].

    Card ID: 514

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    Author: ELIOT (George)


    E3F 88 ELIOT (George), pseud. [i.e. Marian EVANS afterwards CROSS.] CLetters.] George Eliot’s life as related in her letters and journals. Arranged and edited by her husband, J.W. Cross. 3 vole. Ports, and plates. London, 1885. 1. Unknown. 2. Famous. 3. Sunset. t

    Card ID: 515

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    Author: ELIOT (George)


    ELIOT (George) pseul. [i.e. Mariwa EVA1S, afterWardS CROSS.) [Lett. j The Letters of George Eliot. Seleotel, with an introluotion, by R .B. Joimaon. pp. ix. +219. 8. London, [1926.]

    Card ID: 516

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    Author: ELIOT (George)


    tariuuG LflAiW — EtC ONLY ELIOT (George), pseud. Ci.e. Marian EVANS, afterwards CROSS.] Adam Bede. 3 vols. 8°. Edinburgh and London, 1859. S.L.C., 1.343. \‘ N - Second edition. 3. vale. 8°. Edinburgh and London, 1859.

    Card ID: 517