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WALR - WAM (600)

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    Author: WALTON (Isaak)


    S’ERLHG L1FI [St i kI/ITh! REFEREfTCE 0”LY WALTON (Isaak), the Ang1e. The Lives or Dr. Jobxi Lonne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert...To which are added some letters written by Mr. George Herbert. • .with others. • 1written by John Donne, e. 4 parts in 1 vol. Portraits, 8°. ?rjxitecIy T. Neweomb for,R. Aarriott: Londoz, 1&70. There re separate titiepaes to the yes of yLQtn, Hooker and. Herbert and to thetters

    Card ID: 483

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    Author: WALTON (Isaac)


    yr w 1 L WALTON (Isaac), the Angler. 796 The Lives of Dr.Jone Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr.Richard Hooker, Mr.George Herbert and Dr.Robert Sanderson...With notes and the life of the author by T.Zouch. pp. liv. + 518. 0 14. . York, 1796. Imperfect; watting eiKht olates.

    Card ID: 484

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    Author: WALTON (Izaak)


    I:L WALTON (Izaak), the Angler. The Lives of Dr. 3ohn Donne, ir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard-Hooker, Mr. George Herbert and Dr. Robt. Sanderson...New edition, with portraits. pp. 426. 8°. London, 1854.

    Card ID: 485

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    Author: No Author available


    1 (Li. AOOi 9OOIIT’ upeHeko ONLy WALTON (Izask), the Angler. Izak Walton’s Lives of John Dorine, Henry Wotton, Richard Hooker and George Herbert. With an iItroduction by Henry Morley. (Morley’s Universal Library,. 59.) pp. 283. 8°. London, 1888. [Another copy.]

    Card ID: 486

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    Author: No Author available


    ift [w%. VALTON (Izaalc). The Lives of Ir. John Donne, Sir Henry Votton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. ‘George Herbert, and Dr. Robt1. Sanderson...ith portraits, etc. pp. (4) + 426. (D.—L1j 8. London, [c. 1890j.

    Card ID: 487

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    Author: ON (Izaak)


    l1 1• WAtI2ON (Izaak), the Aner, .The Uves o Dootor John Danne, Sir Henry Wot.ton, Mr. Riohard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert, and Dr. Iobort Sanderson. [With an introduction, by V. sIckbu:r.] pp. xd. +295. Portrait, 8. London, 1895. Book set for BA. Honours 1911. English.

    Card ID: 488

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    Author: WALTON (Izaak)


    Yl wl8L 969 WALTON (Izaak), the Anler. The Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wottori, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert. 1670. tFacs1mile reprint ot a copy in the Bodlelan Library.) (Scolar Press Pacs imile.’) pp. (j. 8) 88, Menston, 1969.

    Card ID: 489

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    Author: No Author available


    ?3EftUf’ L.4L [st.. .j i - r—p—-r WALTON (Isaak), the Angler. The Life of Mr. George Herbert. (Letters written by bIrb George Herbert, at his being in Cambridge. With others to his mother, the Lady Magdalen Herbert, written by John Donne.) pp. 146. Portrait. 80. Printed by T. Newoomb for R Marriott: London, 1670. With a separate titleoage to the letters. :pit’st separate edftion ? first issue. ($utt 8a). The outer edge of the portrait has been slightly copped.

    Card ID: 490

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    Author: WALTON (Izaak)


    1 — CON - L - •rt çy WALTON (Izaak). The Life of Mr.George Herbert. See HERBERT (George), the. Poet. [Smaller Col— lections. J The Poems of George Herbert, to which are added selections front his prose, and Waltonts Life”. With prefatory notice by E.Rhys. London and Newcastle—on-Tyne, 1885. [A reprint.) snd Newpasle—p-Tye, [1904].

    Card ID: 491

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    Author: ALOK (Izask)


    Y1ALOK (Izask). Life of flichard Hooker. See HOOKER (R.) The Icc1esiaatica1 po].itv’and other works of E. Hooker. With his life b I. lValton,etc. London, 1830.

    Card ID: 492

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    Author: No Author available


    $TERUU LlR Cs .i EPEf1CE ONIV WALTON (Isaak), the 1er. The Life of Dr. Sanderson, late Bishop of Lincoln...To which is added, some short tracts or cases of conscience, written by the said Bishop. (A sermon of Richard Hooker...found in the study of the late learned Bishop Andrews.) 2 parts in I vol. Portrait. 8°. Printed for R.Larriott: London, I 68. Each tract, and the sermon by Hooker, has a separate titlepage. - C SEE NEXT OARI.)

    Card ID: 493

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    Author: WALTON (Isaak)


    WALTON (Isaak), the Angler. The Life of Dr. Sanderson, stc. COontinued.) -A presentation coDy, inscribed by the author on the titleage: ‘For the deane of Winchester IVi:’, with M correotins of some of the errata in the author’s hand as was his custom In reentation copies. With MS notes in a slightly later hand. S.L1.C., I.96. C. . 2 [Another copy.] Imperfect; wa tg the portrait of Sanderson. -—

    Card ID: 494