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    SEATTLE (WASHINGrON). University of Washinton. Universit,V of Wasi2ington. publioaUons in eolor. Vol. 2. MoLELLAN (Ro3r Davidson). Tho Goólcgy of the San Juan tslands. tWith a bibliography.]...A thesis subnitted...for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. pp. l5. ont,isieoe illustrations, di&rams ami fo1de 8 192?.

    Card ID: 483

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    Author: No Author available


    ..“ SEATTLE (WASHINGTON). University of Washington. University of Washington publications in geology. Vol.3. No.1. FULLER (Richard. E. ). The Geomorphology and. volcanic equance of Steens mountain in southeastern Oregon... Modified from...a thesis submitted at the University of Washington in 1930...for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. pp. 130. Illustrations and figures. 0 8 . Seattle, 1931.

    Card ID: 484

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    Author: No Author available


    SEITLE (Wi.SHINGTON). Univers.t,y ofVashing,on. University of W8.shington publications in geology. Vol. 3. No. 2. COOMBS (Hoard .) The Geology of Mount. Rainier National Park. [With a bibliography.] pp. 1.31— 212. Illustrations, maps and ta.ble. 8. Seattle, 1936.

    Card ID: 485

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    Author: No Author available


    .-\ j SEAI’ILE (WASHINGTON). Universit.y of Washington. University of Washinton publications In geology. Vol. 4. WEAYF.R (Charles E ) Tertiary stratigraphy of western Wshington and northwestern Oregon. [With a bibliography.] pp. 266. Folded plates. 0. Seattle, 1937.

    Card ID: 486

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    Author: SEATTLE (WASHinGToN)


    OLDo (b9 SEATTLE (WASHinGToN). UniverBity of Washington. ; University of Washington publicatiohe in geology. Vol. 5. WEAVER (Charles Edwin). Paleontology of the marine Tertiary formations of Oregon an Wasiinton, etc [With a bibliography.] pp. xiii. + 789. Plates and folded table. 0 8 . Seattle, [l9L.3].

    Card ID: 487

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    SEATTLE (WASI4IN GTCN). Univ University of Washington publications in geology. Vol. 6. No. 1. WEAVER (Charles Edwin). Geology of the Cretaceous (Gualala group) and Tertiary formations along the Pacific coast between PointArena and Fort ioss, California. pp. ii. + 29. ps an tables. 0 8 . Seatt1, 1944.

    Card ID: 488

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    Author: SEATTLE (WHI1’JGTOi)


    o’) SEATTLE (WHI1’JGTOi). Uvers1y of Was1int University of Vashington Publicaticns in Geology. Vol. 6. No. 2. WEAVER (Charles Edwin). Stratigraj.thy and paleontology of the Tertiary formations at Coos Bay, Oregon. pp. (2) + 31—62. Maps Li 0 8 . ettle, 1945.

    Card ID: 489

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    Author: SEATTLE (wAsHINGTON)


    SEATTLE (wAsHINGTON). University of Washington. University of Washington publications in language and literature. Vol.1. [Out of print. For a revieed edition of this volume] See Vol.5.

    Card ID: 490

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    Author: No Author available


    L y°’t’ .J SEATIE (WA5HINGTOJ). University of Washington. University of Washington ublioations [in] language and literature. Vol.2. MCMUR?HY (Susannah Jane). Spenser’s use of Axiosto for,a11egorr...Thesis submitted...for the degree of Dootor of PhiloBophy. [With a bbliography.J pp. 54. 8 Seattle1 1923.

    Card ID: 491

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    Author: No Author available


    - F(i. wkw(nj SEATT (WASHINGTON). University of Washington. tJnivereity of Washington publications [in) language and. literature. Vol.2. No.2. GREG (Kate L.) Thomas Dekker: a study in economic and social baekgrounds. . .Theeie submitted... for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. [With a bibliography.] pp. 61—112. 0 8 . Seattle, 1924.

    Card ID: 492

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    Author: No Author available


    z fs. fv:&cisiC1: SEAPTLE (WAS1NGTON). t7niversitr of Washington. UniversIty of Washington publications in language and literature. Vol. 2. No. 3. TUCKER (Lena Lucile) and BE?IHAM (Allen Rogers). A Bibliography of fifteenth oontuzr lIterature. With speoial reference to the history of Enrlish culture. pp. 113—274. 8. Seattle, 192S.

    Card ID: 493

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    Author: No Author available


    pp.. { 3EATTE (WASHIIGTON). University of Washington. University of Washington publications in language and. literature. Vol.3. FORD (John). A Critical edition of Ford’s Perkin Warbeck. By i.C. Struble. A thesis eubmitted...for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. [with a bibliography.) pp. 214. g0 Seattle, 1926.

    Card ID: 494