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RAF - RAL (589)

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    Author: J (vi )


    [b - t L’J (vi ) C (RcL RALEIGH ( water). — A Dec1aratio of the demeanor and cariage of Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight, as well in his voyage as in and sithence his returne; ad of the true motiues and inducements which occasioned His ?4jestie to proceed in doing justice uorL him, as hath bene done. pp. (4) + 68. LD.—L.L.J 4° Lon, 1618. Pp. 6z and 63.

    Card ID: 465

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    Author: EIGH (Sir Walter)


    STERLING LiBRARY L7 z - REFERENCE ONLY RAlEIGH (Sir Walter). The Discoverie of the large, rich and bewtiful empire of Guiana, with a relation of the great and golden citie of Manoa(which the spaniards call El Dorado> and the prouihoea of Erneria, Arromaia, Amapaia and other countries, with theix riuers, adioyning. performed in the yeare 1595. by Sir W.Ralegh Knight. pp. (16) + 112. 4°. Itnprinted by R.Robinson: London, 1596. Second edition. With numerous errors in yagination. Bound in vellum with ter items, the spine lettered -uyana Voyages.’ _S.L.C. ,i.6

    Card ID: 466

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    Author: EIGH (Sir ‘Va1ter)


    3CON flAiEIGH (Sir ‘Va1ter). The Discovery of Guiana and the Journal of the second voyage thereto. {With an ntroduct1on- by H.Morley.] (Casseuls National Library.) pp. 192. 6o. kondon, 1893.

    Card ID: 467

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    Author: No Author available


    BI3EIGH Walter). Doonents relating to Sir Walter Raleigh’s last voyage. tLQndq, 1864. LOflDQN. [III. 1k(isce11ineous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Cad.en Society. [Publications.] Old. Series. 87. The Camden Misoellany. Vol. V.

    Card ID: 468

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    Author: No Author available


    smau::z uArr( tS.L.] I. [Raleigh - i6k.) fol. 1. REFERENCE CLY RALEIGH (Sir T4lter). The History of the world. [By Sir W.Raleigh.] Lol. ?rinted (by W.Stansby) for W.Burre : London, 16114.. —-{Anotber edition. J [Printed by IV.Btansby for W.Burre: London, 161?.J See HISTORY. [szs zewr co.]

    Card ID: 469

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    Author: FALEIGR (Sir Walter)


    t]—L j c°uR UiL FALEIGR (Sir Walter). The History of the world. In fiue bookes, 2 parts in 1 vol. portrait, platesL maps and tables. ID.—L.L.] fol.[William Iggard for Walter Burre: London, 1617]. The paginat-ion-is irregular. pp. 185—.560 in the first part being numbered 181J556. Part of the portrait. on the titlepage has beer ct away. The engr.ved titlepage ‘from the 1614 edition has been inserted. [SEE NEXT CAR]).)

    Card ID: 470

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    Author: RALEIGH (Sir Walter)


    CO(J 5QCtT 5 ONL (O!7LL?P cC tL) J RALEIGH (Sir Walter). The History of the world, :. [Continued.) [Another copy.) The tit1pge has :be.n 1Qunt&. 1h last leaf has .ben- damazed and reDaired. Imperfect wanting leaves b4 and b.

    Card ID: 471

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    Author: No Author available


    : ci C N ‘1. RAI.EIG1 (Six Walter). The Historie of the world in five bookes...By Sir Walter Ralegh, Knight. 2 part8 in 1 vol. Portrait, folded maps ad tables. fol. London: printed for H. Lownes, G.Lathum and Young, l28. The title-page, which contains the portrait by S.Pass, is without printer’ s name, place or_dte, aid the impint is taken from the àolophon. This edition contains in addition the titl&-page of 1614 engraved by ._track and the anonynous ex1anatory verses by en Jonson which aooome it. The History was commehoed by Raleigh for the benefit of Prince Henry 1d wa written intbe Towiiring his imprisonment [si IEXT CAflD]

    Card ID: 472

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    Author: No Author available


    C L’-4 ‘4 2. RALEIGH (Sir Walter). -, The Iiistorie of the world, eta. [CONTINUED]:— there, lie originally intended to complete the woric in three volumes but only this one volumes called ‘the first part’ was finieed and deals with the period ±‘rom the Creation to lO B.C. •. CAnother copy.] With tit1eng of 1 .1 4 and the verses, in addition. tohe letterpress titlecage.

    Card ID: 473

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    Author: No Author available


    C3Q V.6.39 DON SOCIETY ON1-Y RAr,EIGEr (Sir Walter). The istorie of the world, The Marrow of history; or, an Epitome of all historical passages ‘.from the creation, to the end of the last 1.(acedonian war. First set out at large by Sir Walter Rawleigh, and now abbreviated by A.R. The second edition. [The epistle dedicatory is signed: Alexander Ross.] pp. (12) + 574. 12°. London, 1662.

    Card ID: 474

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    Author: RALEIGH (Sir Walter)


    f LI fr oIJ( RALEIGH (Sir Walter). J ‘‘ U The History of the world in five books, [With the life of Raleigh by John Shirley.] pp. (26) + 54 + 885 + (27). Portrai maps and tables. [R.S.] fol. cndon, 1677. This_coW has the engraved title of 1614 with the date altered to i76.

    Card ID: 475

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    Author: No Author available


    I RALEIGH Walter). The History of the world in five books...Whereunto is added the life and tryal of the author [by J’.Shirley]. pp. xxxii. + (24) + 41 + 813 + (45). Portrait ,maps and_tables. fol. ndon, 1687. With a second1 engraved, tit1epage. The Life has a special titlepage reading: The Life of the valiant and learned Sir Walter Raleihnight. With his tryal at Winchester. The third edition.

    Card ID: 476