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    Author: OUGIITRED (William)


    1 J L J OUGIITRED (William). J Arithmetic in nvmeris et speciebvs institvtio: qv tvin iogistice, tvm ana1ytice, atqve adeo totivs mathematica’, vasi davis est. pp. (8) + 88. Diararns. IDe M.j 12°. .Apud T. Harperum: London, 1631. The running title reads: Clavis athematie, and this is the first edition of the work which was republished under that title. With ins. notes. (SEE NEXT CARD.j

    Card ID: 463

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    Author: No Author available


    2 :-..i•. ct— i-- OUGHTRED (William). / Arith:Letic.. .institvtio, etc. [Continued.] —Guilelmi Oughtred. . .Clavis mathernatic denvo liaata, sive potius fabricata. Curn aliis quibusdam ejusdem conirnontation— ibus.,. . (partem..411 am qua georietricam horologioruin sciotericorum rationem tradit ex anglico idomate in Latinum vertit... C. Wren). Editio tertia auctior & einen— datior. [Revised by J. Wallis.] 4 parts in 1 vol. Diagrams. [De LI.] 0 S . Exeudebat L. Ljchuield, veneunt apud T. Robinson: Oxfor, 1652. Each oart has a separate tit1epe &paginatjon but the register of the arts -is continuous. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 464

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    Author: No Author available


    Cots&A-a.l-fr 3. -Cet OUGHTRED (William). Arithmetic.. .institvtio, fl. [Continued.] —--G. Oughtred...Clavis mathematic, etc. —Editio quarta auctior & eznendatior. 4 parts in 1 vol. Diagrams. [De M.j 0 S . Typis Lichfleldianis...Veneunt apud J. Crosley & A. Curteyne: Oxford, 1667. Interleaved çppy, with ins. notes. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 465

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    Author: ED (WilliaEl)


    i’ ) L I 4• ‘ QUGHThED (WilliaEl). - Arithmetic.. .institvtio, etc. [Continued.] —G. Oughtred....Clavis mathernatic, . —Editio quinta auctior & ernondatior. 4 parts in 1 vol. Portrait and diagrams. [De M.) 12°. Excudebat L Lichfield: Oxford, 169. The frontipiece portrait is by Hollar. Each part has a separate tjt1epa.e and pagn.tion, but the register is contInuous throwthout. [Another copy.J [De M.] LAnother copy.j [Q.M.L] [sEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 466

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    Author: No Author available


    !IJ LoLo 5 e.v OUGFIThED (Wi]iiam). Arithrnetica.. .institvtio, £• [Continued.] —C. Oug}itred...C1vis ::athematic, etc. —Editio quinta auctior & emendatior. Ex recognltione D. Johannis Wallis, etc. 4 parts in 1 vol. Diagrams. [De t] 12°. Typis L Lichfieicl: Oxford; Impensis T. Leigh: London, 1698. A duplicate of the preceding, with a new tjtlepage. ImperI’ect wanting the portrait. [SEE NCT CARD.]

    Card ID: 467

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    Author: OUCHTRED (William)


    OUCHTRED (William). Arithetic. . .institvtjo, [Continued.) — CLERKE (G.) Oughtredus explicatus; sive, Commentarius in ejus Clavem mathematicus, Typis !A. Flesher: London, veneunt apud R. Lavis: Oxford, 1682.

    Card ID: 468

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    Author: No Author available


    . rot A. &. 1. OUGHTRED (William). The Circles of proportion and the horizontall instrvment. Both invented, and the vses of both written in Latine by Mr. W. 0. Trans— latod into English and set forth for the publique benefit by W. Forster. (An Addition vnto the vse of the instrvrnent called the circles of proportion, for the working of nauticall questions, etc. — To the English gentrie...the just apologie of Wil. Ovghtred, against the slaunderous insinrulations of Richard Delanlain, in a pamphlet called Gramnelogia; or the Mathe— matical]. ring, etc.) 5 parts in 1 vol P]ates and diagrams. 1e M.) 4°. rinte_for E. Allen; London, 1632—33. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 469

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    Author: No Author available


    2. OUGHTRED (Wiiliain) The Circles of proportion, etc. [Continued.] The TitleDage of the main work is engraved. The ‘tAddition” has a separate titlepage, pagination and rester. The imprint is “Londonprinted by Augustine Aathewesj331’ The “Just apo1gie” has a separate pagination and register.,. but_has no title• jage_or imprint. Leaf the. “Addition” is_sgned P3; the last section of this part is signed B instead of K.

    Card ID: 470

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    Author: TRED (William)


    OUGT1TRED (William). Clavis mathematice clenvo lirnata, See supra: Arithiuetic in nvneris et speciebvs institvtio, etc.

    Card ID: 471

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    Author: OUGHTRED (William)


    OUGHTRED (William). The Description and use of the double horizontall dyall...Invented and written by WO. ereunto is added, the description of the generall horo— log icall ring. London, 1652. See ETTEN (H. van), seud.,[i.e. J. LErJRECHONJ. Recr4ation math6matique, etc. Mathematicall recreations... in English [by W. Oughtred), etc. 1653.

    Card ID: 472

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    Author: No Author available


    L 1. OUGHTRED (William). The Key of the mathematicks new forged and filed, together with a treatise of the resolution of all kinde of affected a?quations in numbers. With the rule of compound usury, and demonstration of the rule of false position. And a most easie art of delineating all manner of plaine sun—dyalls. Geometrically taught by W. Oughtred. [Translated from the Latii pp. çi)÷174+(2)+29. Plates .nd diagrams. tM.) 0 8 • Printed by T. Harper for R. Whitaker: ondon, 8 147. COLLATIOr: B2—7 B—O . 10 plates. Sigs D2 & D4 are signed C2 and C4 resDectively. M and 08 are blank. Tmperfect; ‘nanting the portrait frontispiece. With rns. notes. The first English edition of the “Clavis Mathematic’ [sEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 473

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    Author: No Author available


    J L’ [c r414 —‘.-c sE’9 OUGHTRED (W11iam). The Key of the mathematicks, etc. (Continued.] —[Another edition.) Mr. William Oughtred’s Key of the mathematicks. Newly translated [by E. Halley) from the best edition, with notes, rendring it easie and inte1ligble[ to less skilful readers. In which also, some problems left unanswer’d by the author are resolv’d...Becomiaended byE. Halley. pp. (4).+ 208, Diagrams. [Do M.) 8°. Printed for J. Salusbury: Loron, 1694. [Another copy.] [Q.M.L.J [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 474