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SMITH. H - SMITH. O (567)

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    Author: SMITH (Henry)


    Canton Shorthan4 Collection - Reference only SMITH (Henry), Minister of St.Clement Danes. oure sermons preached by master Henry Smith. And published by a more perfect copie then heretofore. (1. The Trumpet of the soule. 2. The Sinfull mans search. 3. Manes choyce. 4. Noahs drunkennes, etc. — Two sermons [on Luke XIX.1—9.] The Sinners conversion. The Sinners confession, etc.) ff. (52). 4°. P.Slhortl for C.Burby: London, 1 5 98. The title is surrouiided b a woodcut border. Bound with heSeimons ofthaister Henrie Smith,’ 1597. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 39

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    Author: SMITH (Henry)


    SMITH (Henry), Minister of St. Clement Danes. [The Sermons of inaister Henrie Smith, gathered into one volume. Printed according to his corrected copies in his life time.) pp. 595, [or rather, 564]. 4 [P.Kingston for T.1ian: London, 1599). The pagination is irregular. Imperfect; wanting the tit1page and 6 leaves from sIg. AL6 leaves from sig. Cc and 1 leaf fom sig. Ee. With one of two metal clasps intact on the binding.

    Card ID: 40

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    Author: No Author available


    .& c?ç. [._t:J 4. C i C SMITH (Henry), Minister of St.Clement Danes. Poure sermons preached by master Henry Smith, etc. foontinued.] [Another edition.) fr.(52). 4°. P.S[hortl for C.Bi.irby: London, 1599. The title is surroundedy a woodcut border. Bound with ‘The Sermons of maiBter Henrie Smith,’ 1599.

    Card ID: 41

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    Author: No Author available


    - •. AC9J O01ETY Rrnicc ONI.y SMITH (Henry), Minister of St.Clernent Danes. Foure sermons [on Luke ii.29—32 and Jonah i. 1- 31 preached by Maister Renry Smith, and published by a more perfect coppie then heeretofore. pp. (96). 8’. Printed by I.Rtoj for Vi.Leke: London, 1602. The corner of leaf A8 has been mutilated.

    Card ID: 42

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    Author: SMITH (Henry)


    arIton Shorthand StI rrb-J Co11ecton i o -) Reference only - SMITH (Henry), Minister of St.C1eent Danes. A Fruitfull sermon vpon part of the 5 chapter of the first Epistle of Saint Paul to the Thessalonians....Which sermon being taken by characberie Ci.e.shorthand] is now published for the benefite of the faithfull. pp. ‘i.5. 8°. CW.Hoskins. H.Chettle and I.Danter] for N.Ling. Indon.. 1591.

    Card ID: 43

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    Author: SMITH (Henry)


    J SOoT El-V arQg SMITH (Henry), Uthister of St.C1eaent Danes. Gods arrow against atheists. pp. (4) + 104. — . _____________________________________ _______________________ Iznrjted by F.KFingsto for ,TLozns pauje Londbn p. 79 is incorrectly numbered 88.

    Card ID: 44

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    Author: No Author available


    * S.94CtrnLt1j SMITH (Menry), Minister of S1j.Clemen Danes. Sixe sermons preached by maister Henry Smith. And published by a more perfect copie then heretofore. pp. 109. 4°. R,Pield for R.Dexter: Isondo4, 1599. Pund with The Serajons of maister Henrie Smith, 1599.

    Card ID: 45

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    Author: SMITH (Henry)


    - ‘2 (rrJ SMITH (Henry), Minister of’ St.Clement Danes. Three serixtons made by maister Henry Smith: 1. The Benefit of contentation, 2. The Affinitie of the faibhfull, 3. The Lost sheepe is found. [Sermon 3 is an attack on the pretence of Robert to be the prophet Elias and is preceded by: “The Declaration of Henrie Smith to the Lo.Indges how hee found and how he left Rob.Dickons,” and followed by: “Qiestions gathered out his ovine confession by Henrie Smith, which are yet unanswered”. ff. (27). 40• I.Robrts_for.’N.LinR: London, 1599. Bound with The Sermons nr milcter Henrie Smith, 15g9, Imperfect; wanting ti 1st leaf, G4.

    Card ID: 46

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    Author: No Author available


    2., .D V O EC 2001E1,r SLITH (Henry),, Minlsterof t.Clement Danes. Three sermons made by Master Henry Smith. I. The benefit of contentation. II. The affinitie of the faithfull. III. The lost sheepe is found. [Sermon III. is an attack on the pretence of Robert Dickons to be the Prophet I.llias, and is preceded by “The declaration of Henrie Smith, to the Lo. ludges, how he found, and how he left Rob. Diokons,’1 and followed by Questions gathered out of his owne confession, by Henry Smith, which are yet una.nswered.tTJ pp. 56. 8°. Imprinted by F.ngston for Nicho1s Li’ng London, 16Q4. —

    Card ID: 47

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    Author: SMITH (Henry)


    Canton S!iorthand L_’ f Coilccton L •‘ J Pfere,ce only -vy1 SMITH (Henry), iinister of St. Clent Danes. Twelve sermons preached by maister Henry Smith. And published by a more perfect copie than heretofore. pp. 109. 40 R.Field for R.Dexter: London, — 159_dr. Bound with ‘The Sern ns of maister Henrie Smith1, 197.

    Card ID: 48

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    Author: No Author available


    (0 I BACOP1 3OCIETV ReiLIa O.Y SMITH (Henry), Minister of St.Clement Danes. Two sermons [on Jonah i. 4—7], of Ionahs punishment, preached by Master Henrie Smith, and published by a more perfect copie then heretofore. pp. (46). 8°. Prjntd by S.S[.taffordl for C.Burby: London, 1 6o 2.

    Card ID: 49

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    Author: No Author available


    S!&IT11 (Henry), professor o languages in :arietta College, Ohio. See CRtJSIUS (c.C.) A Complete Greek arni English lexicon for the ,oems of H.Smith, etc. Lonaon, l82.

    Card ID: 50