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    BERKELEY (CALIFONNIA). University of California. University of California publications in. linguistics. [Continued .J 76. LIND1FELD (Jacqueline). Yaqui syntax. 1973 [1974]. 77. LEVIN (Jules F.) The Slavic element in the Old r Prusian Elbing vocabulary. 1974. L/ 78. HOIJ} (aarry). A Navajo lexicon. 1974. 79. JACOBS (Rodorick A.) Syntactic change: a Cupan case study. 1975. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 372

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    Author: Y (CALIFOINIA)


    BEKi1Y (CALIFOINIA). University of California. Univeraity of California publications in 1inuisties. CContinued. J So. NG (Shou-hain). A Semantic study of transitivity Te relations in Chinese. 1975. 81. C&UPBELL (Lyle). Quichoan linguistic prehiatory. 1977. 82. LANGACKJR (Ronald Wayne). Non-distinct arguments in Uto—Aztecan. 1976. 83. LINDOW (John). Comjtatus, individual and honor studies LLr. in North Germanic institutional vocabulary. 1976. 84. ‘AEL1ERS (William Everett). A Grammar of Vai. 1976. Cs NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 373

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    Author: CLEY (CALIFO1NIA)


    J1CLEY (CALIFO1NIA). University of California. University of California publications in linguistics. [Continued.] 85. KAR’19YUfEN (Frances) and LOCKI{RR (James Marvin). Nahuati in the middle years: language contact phenomena in texts of the colonial period. 1976. >c?L 86. FLEISCHNAN (Suzanne). Cultural and linguistic factors in word formation: an integrated approach to the develoeient of the suffix —. 1976. [SEE NEXT cARD.]

    Card ID: 374

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    BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). University of California. University of California publications in linguistics. Ccontinued.J A0 k 90. AOKI (Haruo). Nez Perce texts. lEdited with an introduction and translation] by Haruo AcId. 1979. [For other volumes in this series See the microfiche catalogue.]

    Card ID: 375

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    Author: No Author available


    . — BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). Univertyçf_Calif ornia. University of California publications in modern philology. Vol. 1, etc. 8°. Berkeley (and Los Angeles), 1909, etc Inrqgress. [From Vol. 51 onwards, works in this series are fully catalogued under their authors.] I - [SEE NEXT CkRD.]

    Card ID: 376

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    BERKELEY (CAI3IFOR1TA). yr..stv ot ajjrnia. University of California publications in modern philology. [Continued.] 7 qJf 51. ISIDORE &nt, BLshor f Seville. [Mapa. Munda. Semeianç. del mundo: a medieval description of the world By W.E.Buil and H.F.Williams. 1959. 52. LE CLERC (Jean), of Amsterdam. Lettres inéditesde Le Clerc a Locke. Edited, L with an introduction Wand notes by G.Bonno. 1959. [SEE NEXT CARD.j

    Card ID: 377

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    BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). University of California. University of California publications in modern philology. LOontinued.] V 53. AIcDREWS (James R.) Juan del Enema: Prometheus in search of prestige. 1959. ,L. 54. POI1 (John H.R.) The Writings of 1aliea. 1959. V V Po 55. MORLEY (Sylvanus G.) and TThM (R.?I.) Los Nombres de personajes en las comediasy1ur de Lope de Vega. 1961. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 378

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    BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). University of California. University of California publications in moder2l philology. [Continued.) cc. .c. — i-e 57. SPAIR? (Blake I. ) The Archivé of the ‘‘ Pegnesischer Blumenorden. 1960. ,., N 58,i.MONGUIO (Luis). Sobre un escritor elogiado por Cervantes: los versos del perulero Enrique Garcs y sus amigos (1591>. 1960. __ 59. RUMA..BARC1A (J.) A Biobibliogr.andT iconography of Valle Inclan, 1866—1936. 1960. (SEE 1cEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 379

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    BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). University of California. University of California ub1ications in modern philology. [Cpntiued. .1 r7L.cL 60. BAEUML (Franz H.) Rhetorical devices and structure in the Ackermann aus Böhmen. 1960. 61. ENGELSING-MALEK (Ingeborg). “Amor fati” in Zuckmayers Drarnen. 1960. T_g 62. ?!ARKOV (Vladimir). The Longer poems ‘ of Velixair Khlebnikov. 1962. 63. BRENNER (C .D.) The Thtre Italien: its Sr’ repertory, 1716—1793. With a historical introduction. 1961. [sEE NEXT CARD. J

    Card ID: 380

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    B]RKELEY (CALIIPORNIA). University of California. University of California ublications in modern philology. [Continued. J XTr.S 6L. DECKER (Henry v.) Pure poetry, 1925_1930PeC theory and debate in France. 1962. 65. GOIL (I.) Jean sane terre. A critical edition with analytical notes by P.J.Carmody. 1962. 66. omcsN (Prank P.) Prosper Mrim4e: heroiam pessimism and irony. 1962. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 381

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    BERKELEY (CALZFORNIA). University of California. University of California publications in modern philology. [Continued.] ft.’JfT 67. HOFFMANN (Charles W.) Opposition poctry in Nazi Germany. 1962. .3 (TR. 68. KANES (Martin). Zola’s La bate humaine: a study in literary creation. 1962. xe 1 3 69.. ERI’IOLAEV (Herman). Soviet literary theori& 1917—1934. 1963. ISEE NEXT CARD]

    Card ID: 382

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    BEHKELEY (CALIFORNIA). Unjversjty of California. University of California publications in modern philology. [Continued.) 3 70. CARNODY (Francis it,) The Evolution of Apollinaire’s poetics, 1901—191)+. 1963. 71. JENNINGS (Lee B.) The Ludicrous demon:3JR3 aspects of the grotesque in German post—omantic prose. 1963 72. WEBER (Robert J.) The Miau” manu- (347 PKo., script of Berdto Perez GaldcSs. 73. PEDROT’I (Louis). Jzef—Ju1ian Sckowski:& the genepici ‘.iterary alien. 1965.’,t [sEE IIEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 383