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    Author: JOHNSON (John)


    L3 JOHNSON (John), Uchant. The Johnson letters, 1542—1552. Edi.ted, with an introduction [and a bibliographyJ,by B. Winchester. [Typewritten thesis subnitted for the degree of Ph.D. of the University of London in 1953.j 2 Vols. Tables. 4. 1953.

    Card ID: 359

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    Author: No Author available


    - JOHi’SO4 (John), Minister of the Gospel in Liverpool. The dvantages and disacvantages of the marriage— state as enter’a i;to with religious or irreligious perons, represetei under the similitude of a dream. Fifth edition, to which is now first added an aj.eudix, pp. 4 + (). 8°. London, i76o. The Author’s flOC the Advertisement on the last leaf.

    Card ID: 360

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    Author: JOHNSON (John)


    JOHNSON (John), Printer to the University of Oxford. See JOHNSON (John de t1onins).

    Card ID: 361

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    Author: No Author available


    1):t MJ L t— JOHNSON (John), Surveyor. IohnsonsArithniatick in 2. bookes. The first, of vulgare arithrna. with diuers briefeand easye rules, to worke all the first 4. partes of arjthntatick in whole numbers and fr.ctjons by the author nev;ly invented. The second, of decimall arithrnatick iherby all fractionall operations are wrought, in whole numbers, in marchants accomptes without reduction, with interest and annuityes. 2 pats in 1 vol. Elded table. [De M.] 80 Printe-.byA.Mathewes: London, 1623. The general tit1epae is engraved. Part 2 haa [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 362

  • card

    Author: No Author available


    4LLt 1:4,12i• cc - JOHNSOi (John), Surveyor. Iohnsons Arithnatick,..etc. .Continued.] separate_tit1epag but_e pagination and sigtures arnnuous throughout, with the exception of this titlepage and three followingjeaves, which are insert ____ The paiination is_irregu1r. Sigs. Bland .aregred A and A3. Ars - A3. —The second edition, inlarged in many places thorow out the booke. 2 parts in 1 vol. [De iA.] 12g. ?rinted...bA. Mathewesandare to be sold by y1borne: London, 1633. The nera1 tit1epe is engraved. The titlepageto part 2 is foil by wo unnuzered leaves. p._is Cropueth.

    Card ID: 363

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    Author: NSON (John klfred)


    ; —• JOhNSON (John klfred). Calonne and the counter—revolutIon, 1787— 92. [Yith a bibliography. Typewritten thesis submitted for the degree of Ph.D. of the University of London in 1555.] (2) + jj. + (1) + 374 lea’.’es. 4°. 1955.

    Card ID: 364

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    Author: SOX (John Anders )


    D1 33 1St JOH LaiJ’OF2tSOX (John Anders ) See IA±ON (Aries x.) John A. Johnson: an unconunon American. C’ Northfield, Minn., 1969.

    Card ID: 365

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    Author: No Author available


    M-j1’) 5°7 JOHNSOW (John 3arhrn.). Keyhoard har.’aoW frbenners. ppe tv..+ 59. - 1) 4 . Iior4on, 194?.

    Card ID: 366

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    Author: ISON (John Benjamin)


    tESflO JOmISON (John Benjamin). The Theory and praotioe of modern frarnód structures, designed for the use of schools and for engineers in professional practioe. By...J.B. Johnson C.W. Bryan...?.E. Turneanre (and W,S. Kinne), etc. 3 vole. ures and folded diagrams. Bo. New Yor] and. London, 1916-26. 1. Stresses in simple structure. (Tenth edition, pertly rewritten.) 2. StatIcally indeterminate structures and eeoondary atressea. (Ninth edition, rewritten.) 3. Design. (Ninth edition.)

    Card ID: 367

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    Author: No Author available


    DEPOSITORY join:soi: (John Benjwain). The Theory and practice o’ surveying, designed for the use of sOveyors and engineers generally, but especially for the use of students in engirieering...Seventecnth edition, rewrl.tten by L..3mith. pp. xxxii. + 921. Leaps and iagrarns. 8°. New York and London, [1922].

    Card ID: 368

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    Author: No Author available


    MCROFl.M r” .• ( For? REFEr.Cz ONLV’ JO’i (John ockovr). The Extent and eonsistency of party votirg in the United 3tate Senate, etc. [kart f a thesis; Uriiverity of Chicago.j eave3 13, 253—274. 0 4 . Chieg, 1946.

    Card ID: 369

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    Author: No Author available


    [53 LJ#-s I joiiso (JOhn dc i•lonjnz.i). The Printer, his custo:iers and his men... [The third J.!1. Dent Memori31 Lecture.] Yitn a foreword by H.R. Dent. pp. 6Z. 160. London and Toronto, J.933.

    Card ID: 370