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SPU - STAFFA (420)

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    Author: STAEHLIN (Otto)


    STAEHLIN (Otto). 1UELLER (Iwan E. p. von). Handbuch der kJ.asstschen Altertums— Wissenscthaft, VII .yft1helm von Christs Geschichte der grieohischen Litteratur. Vol. 2. Sechste (fUnfte) .Auflage. LJnter Mitwirkung von 0.Sth1in, bearbeitet von W.Schmid. .Iunich, 1920, 1913.

    Card ID: 346

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    Author: STAEHLIN (Otto)


    STAEHLIN (Otto). Zur handschriftlichen tber1ieferung. des Clemens Alexandrinus. SCHMIDT (Carl), Hon. Professor. oI’ Chureh History at Berlin. Plotins Stellung zum Gnosticisnius und kireh].ichen Christentum, etc. Part 3. Lipzig, 1901.

    Card ID: 347

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    Author: STAEHLIN (Rudolf)


    cyPcswo(i STAEHLIN (Rudolf). Das Motiv der Manbik irn antiken Drama. Giessen, 1912. See RELIGIONSGESCHICHTLICHE VERSUCEm UND VORABI3EITEN. Religionsgoschlchtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten, . Vol. 12, 1.

    Card ID: 348

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    Author: STAEHLIN (Wilhelm)


    STAEHLIN (Wilhelm). Kosmos und Ekklesia: Festschrift fUr Wilhelm Stthlin zu seineni siebzigsten Geburtetag, 24. September 1953. Herausgegeben von Ft.—D. Wendland4. [With a bibliography of St.hlin’s publications.] pp. 277. Portraits plates and plaii. 8°. Qassel, 1953. A facsirile reproduction of und Ordenung der vangelichen deutsehen Messen, vie sie zu 7orrns gehalten wirt”, .1525, is Inserted in a poket at the end of the volume.

    Card ID: 349

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    Author: A (Are Louise jrmaiiie de)


    S’) (4 8t—!iOIiSPEIN afteriards R000A (Are Louise jrmaiiie de), Barones Oeuvres complète6 de Ivlnie. la barorme do Sta!1 pub1ie par son fils [Baron Sta1—IIo1stein, prcdes duno notice sur le caractère et les crits de !me. cie Sta1 par Madame Neo)er de Saussure. (0oneidrationssi.u’ les principaux ftnemens de la R4volution franoiee pub1ies en 1818 par M. le duo de Brogue et M. le baron de Stagi.) 17 vo].s. Portrait. [L.I.] 0 8 . Paris, 1820-21.

    Card ID: 350

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    Author: ROCCA (Anne LouiBe Germaine de)


    STA1L-HOL8TIN, afterwards ROCCA (Anne LouiBe Germaine de), Baroness. • Ouvres eomp1tes de Madame la Barorine de Sta1— Holstein. 2 vols. Portrait. [S.R.] 8°. Paris, 1836.

    Card ID: 351

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    Author: ROCCA (Anne Louise Germaine de)


    c ci’c, STAEL—HOLSTEIN, afterwards ROCCA (Anne Louise Germaine de), Baroness. ILetters.) Lettres a Narbonne. Prface de la Cointesse J. de Pange. Introduction, notes et cominentaires par G.Solovieff. [With a bibliography.J pp. 559. Facsimile and map. 8°. Pari8, 1960.

    Card ID: 352

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    Author: ROCCA (Anne Louise Germaine de)


    9,o STABL—HOL3EI, afterwards ROCCA (Anne Louise Germaine de), Baroness. Lettres a kibbing:. Prface de la Comtesse Jean de E’ange. tab1issemerat du texte, introduction et notes parSI3a1ay. pp. 462. 8° Paris, 1960.

    Card ID: 353

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    Author: ROCCA (Arne Iouise Germaine de)


    6L STAEL—HOLSTEII, afterwards ROCCA (Arne Iouise Germaine de), Baroness. Lettre de Madame de Sta]. conserves en Bohême. Pub1ies Lar LhU11richov. [With a bibliograp1y.J pp. 184. Portraits, plates and fac3inhles. 8° Prague, 1960.

    Card ID: 354

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    Author: A (Anne kuise Cernine de)


    S82F 970 STAiL-H0ISTEIN, afterwurd R000A (Anne kuise Cernine de), ]ror.cs. (letters.] d Sta1: ses smia, sea coresond.anta: choix de lettres, 1778-1817. Pr sente et conmente ar Georges Solovieff • Preface de la Comtess e Jean de Pane. pp. 586. Bibi. and. plates. Paris, 1970.

    Card ID: 355

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    Author: ROCCA (Anne Louise Gerinaine cIe)


    s82p 965 SiAL-HOLSTEIN, afterwards ROCCA (Anne Louise Gerinaine cIe), Baroness. [Letters. — En1ish.] The Unpublished correspondence of darne de Sta1 and the Duke of Wellington. [Edited by) V. de Pange. Translated [trom the French] by H.Kurtz, vith a foreword by Comtease J. de Pange. pp. xxii. + 90. Bibliography, facsimiles and table. 8°. London, 1965.

    Card ID: 356

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    Author: ROCCA (Arnie Ixuiae Germaiie dde)


    S82F 968 STAL-llOISTEIN, afterwards ROCCA (Arnie Ixuiae Germaiie dde), roness. [Ittera.- &igish.] De Sta1 - Du Pont letters: correspondence of Jdame de Stal and Pierre arnue1 d.u Pont de Noio,rs, and other ir.embers oI’ the Meeker and ciu Pont families • Edited ar.d translated by J .F .rs ball • pp • 1.OO. Ports., 1’a cs iz dison, 1968.

    Card ID: 357