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    Author: MOORE (John-Robert)


    - MOORE (John-Robert). iiogrpher. OXFORD. Lnttr1LSQciety. [Eeprints.] .7.. An-Essay n thern regu1at-in of the press. By D.Defoe. (With an introduction’by J.R.Ioore.) Oxfo4, 1948.

    Card ID: 343

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    Author: MOORE (Sir Jonas)


    b€M]L LN-:J 1 MOORE (Sir Jonas). -‘ Moores Arithmetick, discovering the secrets of that art, in numbers and species. In two bookes. The first teaching (by precept and example> the ordinary operations in numbers, whole and broken... The second, the great rule of algebra in species, resolving all arithmeticall questions by supposition; with a canon of the powers of numbers; fitted to the meanest capacity, and published for the generall good of this ktngdome. 2 parts in 1 voL _______ _______ [De Ma] 80. T. Harper for N. Brookes: London, 1650. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 344

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    Author: MOORE (sir Jonas)


    MOORE (sir Jonas). Moores ritbmetick, . [cOTINUED.J COLLATION: A—S8, Aa2 Bb—Gg8 H8 1i6 jc8. ig. Gg4 is lettered G4. Each part hs a distjnct tit1e—pge. The pginationof the second rt_is irregular. Imperfect: wantingjgs.Ii7—8. Cropp. With ms.

    Card ID: 345

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    Author: MOORE (Eir Jonas)


    Cbe 3 dLDj MOORE (Eir Jonas). Moores Arithmetick, e. [CONINEJED.J —iloor’s Mithmetick,Intvvbooks. The first treating of the imigar arithinetick ...with several new inventions to ease the memory, by Nepairs rods, logarithms, decimals, &c...The second of arithnietick in species or algebra, whereby all difficult questions receive their atalytical laws and which are added two treatise 1. A new coiitemplation geometrical upon the oval figure called the ellipsis. 2. The two first books of Mydorgius his conical sectIons analized by . Oughtred, Eriglished and completed with cuts 5 parts in 1 vol. Plates and tables. [DeM.J pndon, i66o. ISEE EX CARD.]

    Card ID: 346

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    Author: No Author available


    4. MOORE Jonas). Moores Arithmetick, [CONTINUED.) COLLATION: A2-8 j2 B—X8 2 Y—Z8 Aa—Ff8. Page j3 of the _f1rst rt j.sincorrectly numbered i. parts 5ha itjet tit1e-_pg. This edition is printed rtly in black letter. With ms. notes. A. . (ênother copy.] [De 11.] p., oL Imperfect: anhe9flate’ which have ben replaced by hand-drai copies. Cropped. With ms0 notes at theLt_vo1ume. [SEE iEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 347

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    Author: MOORE (Sir Jonas)


    1 MOORE (Sir Jonas) Moores Arithmetick, [CO1QTTNUED.J —Moore’s Arithuetick in four books.. .The third edition with additions, (Book II...methodically digested and inlarged by J. Hawkins. Book IIT...revised and augmented by J. Hawkins.) 6 parts in 1 vol.. Folded piates a,d tables. tDe M.] 8°. 1688. Each part has a distinct tit1e—pag, but the pagination and register are continuous throg— out.

    Card ID: 348

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    Author: MOORE (Sir onas)


    [0 [ji\ MOORE (Sir onas). A IThw systeme of the mathematicks: containin... arithmetick. . .praotioal geometry, trigonometry.. .cosmography. . .navigation.. .the doctrine of the ephere...astronomioal tables,..a new geography, etc. [Edited by VI. Ranway and J. PotengerT 2 vols. Folded diagrams, figures, maps and tables. TL.P.J TL.I.] 4. London, 1681, 60. Vol.1 is divided into three, and vol.2 into four arts, for the most part separately psged.

    Card ID: 349

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    Author: OORE (j Jonas)


    tOORE (j Jonas). A Prospect and np of London, shov!ing the River Thames to Woolwich Peach. Drawn by J.Moore in 1662. London, 1912. LO±DON. LIII. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, London Toographical Society. [Publications.] 31.

    Card ID: 350

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    Author: No Author available


    % .. !IOORE (Jc s eph Hal ne s). DEPSJTOR’f The Speotrogra.phio velocities of the bright— line nebula,e. Br W. Ompbe1l and J. H. Moore. e3.ey, l9l3. BIKLY (CALIFQENIA) - Unjversji of Calif Thiblioations of the Lick Observatory4 Vol. 13. Part 4.

    Card ID: 351

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    Author: MOORE (Joseph Moreton)


    MOORE (Joseph Moreton). bee BLAKE (William T.C.) and MOORE. (J.M.) Friendly societies. Cambridge, 1951 [1952].

    Card ID: 352

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    Author: MOORE (Katharine)


    L94e Hoo MOORE (Katharine). Victorian wives. pp. 20?. Iflus. London 9’tk.

    Card ID: 353

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    Author: MOORE (Kay Kirlin)


    MOORE (Kay Kirlin). See ALBANY. University of the State of New York. State Library Bulletin. — Bibliography. 79. A Checklist and index for the University of the State of New York Bulletins numbers 255—1094, June 1902 to June 1936. Compiled by K.K. Moore. Albany, 1938.

    Card ID: 354