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GAUT - GEDDE (638)

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    Author: GAY (John)


    GAY (John), the Poet. [Collections.) he Poetical works o? John Gay: including ‘Polly’, ‘The Beggar’s Opera’ and selections from the other dramatic work. Edited [with introduction and bibliography] by G. C. Faber. (Oxford Poets.) pp. xlvii. + 700. Portrait. [Another copy.] 8. London, 1926. 3 ‘Lç — .•, — Lç ‘-—

    Card ID: 323

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    Author: No Author available


    STERLING LIBRARY L.r_:!i REFERENCE ONLY GAY (John), the Poet. [Collections.] Plays written by Mr. John Gay, viz, the Captives, a tragedy; the Beggars’ Opera; Polly, or, the second part of the Beggars’ Opera; the Distreso’d wife, a comedy; the Rehearsal at Goatham, a farce, To which is added, an Account of the life and writings of the author. pp. xii.. 391. 12g. London, 1760.

    Card ID: 324

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    Author: No Author available


    G-3) .— -, GAY (John), the Poet. [Collections.] Plays written by Mr. John Gay, viz, the Captives, a tragedy; the Beggar’s opera; Polly, or the second part of the Beggar’s opera; Achilles, an opera; the Distress’d wife, a comedy; the Rehearsal at Gotham, a farce. To which is prefixed an account of the life and writings of the author. pp. 359. Portraits. [S.R.] 12°. London, 1772. A reprint of the edition of 1760.

    Card ID: 325

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    Author: GAY (John)


    MalColm Morley [0] 1) Collection GAY (John), the Poet. Achi1les an opera...Distinguishing also the vuriatIon of -the theatre, as the Theatres—Royal in Qovent—Garcien. Regulated fron tbe prompt— ilr. Wild, prompter. (Bell’s Edition.) pp. Go. Frontispiece. 12°. London, 1777. 3ound. in. a volume lettered: British Theatre. Opera. [Another copy.] Bound in a volume lettered: Bell’s British Theatre, 9 . Ifr

    Card ID: 326

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    Author: No Author available


    [cL3 r? STErJjJC LP_Ff REF.REj.!CE ONLY GAY (Jolm), the Poet. A Ballad [‘Twas when the seas were roaringj. See POPE (Alexander), the Poet. [2illoisa to Abelard.) Eloisa to Abelard...The second edition. p:.53. London, 1720 [1719].

    Card ID: 327

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    Author: No Author available


    D242G Reference only GAY (John, the Poet. I The Beggar’s opera, etc. DAVERS (Caleb), pseud. The Twickenhain Hotch-potch, for the use of the Rev. Dr.Swift, Alexander Pope, Esq; and company. Being a sequel to the eggar’s opera [by J.Gay], 1728.

    Card ID: 328

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    Author: No Author available


    - I.ibgr M L_ckj- GAY (John), the Lpet. F- rS”ev The Beggar’s Opera1..The third edition, with the ouverture in score, the songs and the basses , . pp. (8) + 6o + 4. 40 London: Lwatts, 1729.

    Card ID: 329

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    Author: GAY (John)


    Malcolm Morley D7V Collection GAY (John), the Poet. The Beggar ‘ opera. • .Distinguishing also the variations of the theatre, as performed at the Theatre—Royal in Drury— Lane. Reu1ated from the ?r. Hopkins, prompter. (Bell’s Edition.) pp. 65. Fronti&piece. 12°. London, 1777. Bound in a volume lettered: fritish Theatre. Operas. [Another copy.] “flL— Eotrnd in a vohime lettered: Bell’s British Theatre, 9. (1--

    Card ID: 330

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    Author: No Author available


    .3:.: GAY (John), the Poet. The Beggar s opera: acoic opera.. .Adapted for thatrica1 representation, as performed at the Theatre—Royal, _Drury—Lane, pp. 99 + (5). Piate. 12g. Lon4, 1791. Bound in avoluine lettered: British Theatre. 2.

    Card ID: 331

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    Author: GAY (John)


    GAY (John), the Poet. The Beggar’s opera: a comic opera. c& JONES (w.), :f Dublin. Jones’s British theatre. Vol.3. I. Dublin, 1795.

    Card ID: 332

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    Author: GAY (Jolm)


    (xviii) 2c [cj GAY (Jolm), the Poet. The Beggar’s opera. pp. 7 - 9i.. - 8°. [London? . 1800]. Boind with cross - Parnassian bagatell, wanting all pages preceding p. 7, iñcludfng the tItle page.

    Card ID: 333

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    Author: GAY (John)


    i C\ij GAY (John), the Poet. The Beggar’s opera, in three performed at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane and Covent Garden.. .With remarks by IIrs. Inchbald. pp. 6i. Frontispiece. 12°. London [i8o81. Bound in a volume lettered: Inchbald? s British Theatre. Vol. XI.

    Card ID: 334