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    Author: BOULDER (CoIOaDO)


    BOULDER (CoIOaDO). Unive:’sity of Colorado. University of Colorado studies. Series in economics. [Volumes in this series are separately catalogued under the authors.) 1. CROCKETT (Earl Clarkson), Colorado’s tax structure. 195O..j1 2. GARNSEY (Norris Eugene) and PELZ (RE.) A Projection ‘cs-m.4 of the population of Colorddo...Witb suppleoent Enrollment proj ection of the University of Cálorado, 196O—19O, by J.B.Pearson. 1955. çp. .i) 3. FAP.R (Grant Noel). The Origins of recent labor policy. 1959. 4. MORGAN (William Edward), Taxes and the location of iD industry. 1967. [SE NEXT CARD.)

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    BOULDER (COLORADO). University of Colorado. University of Colorado etudies. Series in econoniic. [Continued.] 5. ZINKE (George Wifliam). The Problem of Maithus: imist T’3H progress: eM in overpopulation? 1967.

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    BOULDER (COLORADO). University of Colorado. University of Colorado studies. Series in sociology. [Volumes in this series are fully catalogued under the authors:] 1 • BENDIX (Reinhard). Higher civil servants in American -& society: a study of the social origins1 the careers and the power—position of higher federal administrators. 1949. 2. GREENBERG (Joseph Harold). Numerical sex disproportion: &4.. a study in demographic determinism. 1950. 3. PEARSON (Judson Bruce). Nessage diffusion under uncontrolled condItions. By J.B.Pearson, J.Nehnevajsa, (P.c.t) R.D.Elliott. 1957.

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    oo-t k- BOULDER (COLORADO). Universit3 of Colorado. patert of Physics. Sunrner Institute for Theoretical Physics. Lectures in theoretical physics: lectures delivered at the Sumtner Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1958 Land subsequent years]. Edited by W.E. Brittin Land others], Vol. 1, j. 8°. New York and London, 1959, etc. In progress, [sE NEXT CARD.]

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    I) BOLJLDIR (COLORADO). Univeriy of Colorado. Department of Phyoics. Summer Institute for Theoretical Physics. Lectures in theoretical physics, . [Continued.) [Beginning with Vol.71 the lectures for 1964, each volume is devoted to a specific subject. These volumes are listed below.] 1964. 7A. Lorentz group. (Second printing.) 1968. 7B. Elementary particles. 1965. 70. Statistical physics, weak interactions, field theory. (Second printing.) 1968. 1965. 8A. Statistical physics and solid state physics. 1966. 8B. Fundamental particles and high energy physics. 1966. &. Nuclear sructure p1iysis. (Second printing.) 1968. EsEENEXT CARD.]

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    BOULDER (COLORADO). University of Colorado. Department of Physics. Summer Institute for Theoretical Physics. Lectures in theoretical physics, etc. [Continued.) 1966. 9A. Mathematical methods of theoretical physics. 1967. 9B. High energy and particle physics. 1967. 90. Kinetic theory. 196?. 1967. 1OA. Quantum theory and statistics]. physics. 1968. 103. High energy physics and fundamental particles. 1968. 1968. Ilk. Elementary particle physics. 2 parts. 1969. 113. Quantum fluids and nuclear matter. 1969. IIC. Atomic collision processes. 1969. lit. Nathematical methods in theoretical physics. 1969.

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    Author: BOULDER (CoLORADO)


    f 33v1rLb :Col Reference only BOULDER (CoLORADO). University of Colorado. Museum.. The Earl H. Morris Memorial Pottery Collection: an example of ten centuries of prehistoric ceramic art in the Four Corners country of Southwestern United States. By Robert K. Lister and Florence C. Lister. (University of Colorado Studies. Series in Anthropology, 16.) pp.9!4. Illus. and map. Boulder, 1969.

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    Author: No Author available


    No text available

    Card ID: 304

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    Author: BOULDING (Kenneth Ewart)


    T?4 Bou BOULDING (Kenneth Ewart). Collected papers..Sred R. Olahe, editor. (Vol. 3 — Larry D. Singell, editor.) Vol. 1, etc. Boulder, Cob., 1971, etc. In progress.

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    Author: BOULDING (Kenneth Ewart)


    DEPOSITORY BOULDING (Kenneth Ewart). Linear programming and the theory oi the firm. [By] K.E. Boulding and WA. Spivey. With contributions by S. Cleland [and others), etc. [With a bibliography.] pp. viii. + 227. Diagraiie, charto and tables. 8° New York, 1960.

    Card ID: 306

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    Author: BOULDING (lGezmeth lwart)


    KDD Bou BOULDING (lGezmeth lwart). A Prinr on social dynamics: history as dialectics and deve1oxnent. pp. 153. Nev York and Londm, 1970.

    Card ID: 307

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    Author: BOULDING (Kenneth Ewart)


    BOULDING (Kenneth Ewart). Principles of economic policy. pp.viii. + 440. 8. London, 1959. ‘($:Ic WCZ OT a ‘T?P ‘:g c! a c .•, • 11D th

    Card ID: 308