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MEL - MELZ (585)

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    Author: LELLIS (John)


    LELLIS (John), Mathematician. OLDCASTLE (H.) Briefe instruction and maner hovv to keepe bookes of accompts after the order of debitor and creditor...Neweiy augmented and set forth by John Mellis (A Short and plaine treatise of arith— meticke in whole numbers...By Iohn Mellis.) Loncion, 1588.

    Card ID: 277

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    Author: ELLISH (Charles)


    i3fq iELLISH (Charles). Observations on Ni’. Maseres’ a View of the ancient constitution of the English Parliament... In a letter to the Rev. Or. Norris...Read at the Society of Antiquariea, June 9, 1772. pp. 3Li1—352. O [London] 1772. Catalogued from the caption.

    Card ID: 278

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    Author: SH (Joseph)


    MLL1SH (Joseph). See SCuLLER (J.C.F. von). [Works.] The Works of Frederick Schiller, etc. ([Vol.3.] Lary Stuart traxislated by J. T1ish], etc.) Lon&n, 1871. LAnother edition.] ([Vol.3.) Mary Stuart. • .Translated by. ..J. Mellish, etc.) London, 1912.

    Card ID: 279

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    Author: No Author available


    o’icc. MeF MELLISS (John Charles). St. Helena: a physical, historical and topographical description of the island, including its geology, fauna, flora and meteorology.. .The botanical plates from original drawings by Mrs. J. C. Melliss. pp. xiv. + 426. Plates and rna. 80. London, i875.

    Card ID: 280

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    Author: MELLNIK (Stephen Michael)


    MDQU Z$c MELLNIK (Stephen Michael). See McCOY (Mivyn Irvey) and. MLLNIK (Stephen Michael). ‘1en escape from Tojo...As told to Welbourn 11ey. New York and Toronto, l944.

    Card ID: 281

  • card

    Author: MELLO (Francisco Manoel de)


    MELLO (Francisco Manoel de). Ap6logos dialogais. Prefcio e notas do J. Pereira Tavare. [With a bibliography.] (Co1ecc.o do Cljco Sd da Losta.) 2 vols. 8°. Lisbon, 1959. 1. Rel6gios falantes. Visita das fontea. 2. Escritório avarento. Hospital das letras.

    Card ID: 282

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    Author: LELLO (Francisco Manoel de)


    LELLO (Francisco Manoel de). Carta. de Guia de Casados. Corn urn estudo critico, notas e 1oseario por E, prestage. 2a ediço,etc. fBiblioteca Lusitaria.) pp. 205. Portrait 8? rto, 1923. Book set for B.A. Hons. Examination, Extera1, Portuguese, 1932-33.

    Card ID: 283

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    Author: LO (Francisco kanoe1 de)


    1EtLO (Francisco kanoe1 de). Cartas familiares: se1ecço, prefcio e riotas pelo LLRodrigues Lapa. (Co1eçço de Ciássicos Sá da Cst.) pE xxvii. + 28. 8°. Lisbon, 1937. One of 100 copies printed on fine paper, with a signed inscripion by the editor on the fJ.yleaf.

    Card ID: 284

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    Author: LIELLO (Francisco Manoel de)


    OçPOSiIOH V LIELLO (Francisco Manoel de). D. Teod6sio II. segundo o codice 51—111-30 da Biblioteca d Ajuda. Traduo e prefcio de i1. Casiiiiro. (BibliotecaHist6rieade PortugaJeBrasj. pp. 258 + c6). 8° Qj’to., [1944].

    Card ID: 285

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    Author: NELLO (Francisco l4anoel de)


    x,i M4SQ- NELLO (Francisco l4anoel de). Doze sonetos por varias acciones. Nota introdutória de R.Rego. (A facsimile of the editiQn of 1628.] pp. xii. + 15. 8°. Lisbon, 1960. One of 1000 copies printed.

    Card ID: 286

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    Author: No Author available


    IThLIO (?ranais0o Lcanoel d.e). panafora de v.ria histria portuuesa. 3a eiqo, revista e anotada pox’ . resta&e, (Sei’iptores Reruni Lusitanarurn. Serie C.) pp. xxi. j:43 +ç2). Faoiini1e. 80. Coimbra, 1931. Book set for the B. A. Rons. Examination Portuguese, 1934-35. [Axiother copy.] No. 53 of 100 copies, nimibere and. rubricated., on linen paper.

    Card ID: 287

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    Author: No Author available


    fl’QN.R ME1LO (Francisco Maroel de). Histeria de los movimientos, separaci& y guerra de Cataliifta, en tiempo de Felipe IV..Nueva edici& corregida. [Edited, with a memoir of the author by E. D • L. 1 pp. xxvi. + 75. 80. drJ4, 1808. ELJOT-PHELIpS r ‘ R COILECTION L [Another copy.]

    Card ID: 288