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MILN - MILTO (679)

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    Author: JON (John)


    MIL’JON (John). [Cards for Milton’s works are arranged under the following sub-headings]:— Works. [Complete.) Two or more works. Letters. Poetical works. Minor poems. £Collections.) Separate poems. tArranged alphabetically by the Prose works. name of the poem.] Separate prose works. {Arranged alphabetically by Selections. the name of the work.] Works edited, annotated, etc. by Milton. Suposititious work tAppeadix.

    Card ID: 276

  • card

    Author: ILTON (Joim)


    iiILTON (Joim). [Worksj The Works of John Milton in verse and prose. l9rintodl’rcjn the original editions with a life of the author by J.1itford. 8 vols. ortrit nd £acsimile. 8°. Lorcton, i86.

    Card ID: 277

  • card

    Author: MILTON (John)


    • MILTON (John). [Works.) cvL The Works of John Milton. (F.A.Patterson, general editor.) (Columbia University Edition.) 18 vols. Portraits, illustrations facsimiles. 0 8 • New York, 19t—38. An Index to the Columbia edition of the works of John lUlton. By F.A.Patterson, assisted by F.R.Fogle. 2 vols. 8°. New York, 1940. [sEE NEXT GiRD.)

    Card ID: 278

  • card

    Author: N (John)


    M!LTdN (John). [Works.. — 1931.] The Works of John Milton. tContinued.] See NICHOLAS (Constance). J Introduction and notes to Milton?s History of Britain. Designed to be used with volune X, Columbia edition, the Yorks ot Milton. thbana, 1957.

    Card ID: 279

  • card

    Author: MILTON (John)


    YT (1S’C MILTON (John). [Poetical Works.] 69 Vc’.a [The Poetical works oi’ John Milton.) Paradise ‘ lost...The sixth edition, etc. (Paradise reain’d: a poem in IV. books, to which is added Samson Agonistes.) 3 parts in J. vol. Portrait .and plates. fol. T.Hodkin for J.Tonson: London, 1695. Paradise reain’d bears the date 1715 (a misp rint forl65T. Pb1iehed with6ütthe Leneral tiUepae, Poems on several oooasioni latory notes on each booc o th Paradise lost, byp.Hume, which were included iiihe co.molete edition. [sEa NEXT CARD. J

    Card ID: 280

  • card

    Author: MILTON (John)


    MILTON (John). (Poetical Works.] [The Poetical works of John Milton. J [continued. IFor another issue of Paradise lost: j infra: [Paradise Lost.J

    Card ID: 281

  • card

    Author: MILTON (John)


    MILTON (John). [-Poetical Works.] Paradise lost, (Paradise regain’d: a poem in four books. To which is added, Sanison Agonistes, and Poems upon several occasions, with a Tractate of ethcation... The seventh edition, corrected.) Vol.2. 8°. Lpndon, 1727. fe.ctj antii Vol.1 Loti, and the frontispiece to Vol.2.

    Card ID: 282

  • card

    Author: No Author available


    (‘!) 3c frtth1.,) ‘o.a. MILTON (John). [Poetical works. I Paradise lost...From the text of T.Newtori [with his life of Milton]. (Paradise regain’d...To which is added Samson Agonistes, and Poems upon several occasions. From the tect of T.Newton.) 2 vols. Portraj. [G.G.] 40 L3irininghai: prInted Jocn Bakerville for J. and R.Tonson: T.Dndon,1759, pp.3—4 of the second vqlurne, containing the Table ofContents, are bound at the end of the vo1uie. [Another copy.] c.L.j T — 0

    Card ID: 283

  • card

    Author: No Author available


    MILTON (John. CPoetical Torks1 Paradise lost: a poem, In twelve books.. The eighth edition. (Paradise regaintd, in four hoolcs. To which is added Samson Agoiüs•tes, and poems upon several oooasions. . .A new editin.) With notes of various authors, by TJlewton. 3 vols. Por..traits. nd ol.atos. 40 London, 1775—77.

    Card ID: 284

  • card

    Author: ILTON (John)


    11ILTON (John). [Poetl.oaj. 7orks.] The Poetical works of ohn Milton...To which is prefixed the life of the author. See ANDERSON CR.) M.D. . Complete editio) of the poets of Great Britain. Vol. ‘1-. London, 1792—1BO?.

    Card ID: 285

  • card

    Author: ON (John)


    u?r R€{—c2r’cQ yJ’ MII/J’ON (John), LPoetical l7orks.j Milton’s Paradise Lost. [With Penton1s Life ana. Johnson’s Criticism.] (Paradise Regained; with select notes subjoined. To which is added a complete collection of hie misoel].aneous poems, both English and Latin.) 2 vols. Plates. 0 8 . London, l79—96. The title—pa is engraved.

    Card ID: 286

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    Author: MILTON (John)


    (i c MILTON (John). [Poetical Works.] The Poeticaiwor of John Miltoa, I roin the text of Dr. Nevton. With a critical essay by J. Aikin. 4 vols. z’trait and plts. 8°. London, 1801.

    Card ID: 287