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    &PEV Âme WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). American Society of International Law. International law. and the Middle East crisis: a symposium [on Suez. Expanded and revised versions of papers presented at the regional meeting of the American Society of International Law held at Tulane University on April 6, 1957. Edited by P.R. Deener.] (Tulane Studies in Political Science, 14..) pp. 93. New Orleans, 1957.

    Card ID: 274

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    3 L WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). American Society of International Law. Proceedings of the American Society of International Lav at its twenty—fifth annual meeting held at Washington, D.C., April 23—2, 1.931. pp. xii. 5 381. 0 8 . Washington, D.C., 1931.

    Card ID: 275

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    Author: No Author available


    3— f-I1 .-...;.] WASHINGTOI (COLUMBIA). American Society oi. Tnternat.ional Law. Research in international law, Ha.rvard Law School. I. Diplomatic privileges and inmiuni— ties. [I. Legal position and. functions of consuls. III. Competence of courts in regard to foreign states. IV. Piracy. V. Piracy laws of various countries. Drafts of conventions prepared for the codification of international law. (Supplement to the American Journal of International Law. Vol. 26. 1932. Official documents.) pp. (2) + V. + 1013. Tables. 8°. Concord (N. H.) and. Washington, 1932.

    Card ID: 276

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    Author: No Author available


    31 .f. ; WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). American Society of Internationar 1aw. Research in international, law. Harvard Law School.’ Ntiona1ity. Responsibility of states. Territorial waters. Drafts of conventions prepared in anticipation of the first conference on the codification of international law, etc. (p1ement to the American Journal of International Law. Vol. 23. SpecialNumber, April 1929..) pp. (2) 1- vii. + 399. 8. Concord (N. H.) and Washington, 1929.

    Card ID: 277

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    73 t —7 ‘ WASHINGTON (COLU1SIA). American Society of international Law. Research in international law, under the auspices of the Faculty of the Harvard Law School. I. Extradition. II. Jurisdiction with respect to crime. III. Law of treaties. Drafts of conventions prepared for the codification of international law. [With bibliographies.) (Suoplenient to the American Journal of rnternational Law. Vol. 29. 193) 3 parts in 2 vo].s. 8°. Washington Concord (N.H.) printed, 1935.

    Card ID: 278

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    OHS An WP1SHINGTON (CCLUNBIt). Azrrican Society of nteiat!ona1 law. The Vietnam wr ar.d international law. [Articles by various authors, s’oonsored by -the] Aiirican SocietI of International Law. Edited by R.A. 4 vol&. Princeton, N.J., 1968— 1976.

    Card ID: 279

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    Author: No Author available


    Pa1o°raphy CC 25.Li2 [Evans) eferencc only Room wAsHINGDN (COLUMBIA). Anerican iversty. School of Government end Public Administration. Archives administration: bcIcground. A select bibliographic guide. Compiled by F.B.Evns. [Published by the Amcrican University School of Government and Public Administration In cooperation with the tationai Archives and ecords Service, General Servlce Administration.] IT. iv. + 91. °. Washington, D.C., 1966.

    Card ID: 280

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    Author: No Author available


    P.S. &S. WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). Anthropiogical Societpf ashirigton. AmerIcan anthropologist. New series. Organ of the American Anthropological Association, the American Ethnological Society, the Anthropological Society of Washington, and the Philadelphia Anthropological Society, etc. enasha, 1947, etc. See UNITED STATES OF ALIERICA. Miscellaneous Subheadings. American Anthropological Association.

    Card ID: 281

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    Author: QN (COLTThLBIJL)


    DEPOSITORY WiH]NG’QN (COLTThLBIJL). Anthr000loFical Society of ashinpton. New interpretations of aboriginal Anercan culture history. C By various authors.] 75th anniversary volume of the Anthropological Society of Washington. [With a bibliography.] pp. viii. + l5. Diagram and maps. 8°. Washington, D.C., 1955. /

    Card ID: 282

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    Author: ON (COLUMBIA)


    WA3HING2ON (COLUMBIA). Ant roo1ogjca1 Society of Washington. Some uses of anthropology, theoretical and applied. jBy various authors. Edited by JB.Casagrande and T.Gladwin. With a bibliography.] pp, vi. + 120. 80 Washington. D.c., 1956.

    Card ID: 283

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    Author: No Author available


    PjLf_ . WASHINGTON (CoLuiiBIA). Axzthropolojical Society of Wa shjton. Transactions of the Anthropological Society of Washington for the first, second and third years of its organization. Published with the co—operation of the Smithsonian Institution... February 10, 1879 to January 17, 1882. Vol.1. 8°. Washington, 1882. [Another issue.) infra: Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian niiscellaneous collections. Vol.25. rtcle III.) No.501.

    Card ID: 284

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    WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). Anthropologieal Society of - Wa shing on. Transactions of the Anthropological Society... Vol .3. Washington, 1885. , infra; Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. Vol.34. [Article II.] No.630.

    Card ID: 285