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WOODW - WORC (522)

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    Author: WOOLLEY ( Charles Leonard)


    WOOLLEY ( Charles Leonard). Carchemish: report on the excavations at Djerabis (Jerablus) on behalf of the British Uuseuxn conducted by C.L.Woolley and T.E. Lawrence (P.L.O.Guy, D.G.Hogarth, R.C.Thouipson, H.Reitiinger). London, 1914—52. LONDON. [IIT.j ritishuseum.

    Card ID: 248

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    Author: WOOLLEY (1Oharles Leonard)


    WOOLLEY (1Oharles Leonard). The City of Akhenaten. Part, 1. xcavations of 192]. and 1922 at E1—’Armarrieh. By T. E. Peet and 0. 1. Woc.lley, etc. London, 1923 -3. See lONDON. fill. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] t. plrI rir t E o’ion Sooi C!4QmoiI: 8 t5J.

    Card ID: 249

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    Author: OOLLY (har1es Leonard)


    ViOOLLY (har1es Leonard). Corstopitum: provisional report of. the excavations in 1906. Newcast1e—uion, 1907. Se N0ASTLE—Ul’0N—TYIrE. Society of Antiguaries of Ncwc as ti e—uon—Tyne .

    Card ID: 250

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    Author: No Author available


    LA \!oo WOOLLEY Charles Leonard). Dead towns and living men;. being pages from an antiquaryts notebook. (Revised and enlarged edition.) pp. 220. Portraits and pj.ates. 8. London, 195+.

    Card ID: 251

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    Author: X (Sir Charles Leonard)


    1’ IJC Un WOOLLgX (Sir Charles Leonard). The Kassite period and. the period of the Assyrian kings. fri. London, j965. See LONDON. [III.] British Museum. Joint Expedition of the British Museum and. of the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania to Mesopotamia. Ur excavations. 8.

    Card ID: 252

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    Author: OOLLE (Sir Charles Leonard)


    — DEPOSITORY 1A’OOLLE (Sir Charles Leonard) - Middle East archaeology. [With bibliographical notes.J (The James Bryce Memorial Lecture, 1949.) pp. 45. 3O• London, 1949.

    Card ID: 253

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    Author: WOOLLEY (Sir Charles Leonard)


    f LJC iJR Bm WOOLLEY (Sir Charles Leonard). The Neo-Babylonian and Persian periods, etc. London, 1962. See LONDON. [III.] British Museum. Joint Expedition of the British Museum and of the Museum of tlie University cf PennsylvanIa to Mesopotamia. Ur excavations, 9.

    Card ID: 254

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    Author: WOOLLEY (Sir Charles Leonard)


    WOOLLEY (Sir Charles Leonard). A Record of the work done by the military authorities for the protection of the treasures of art & history in war areas. London, 1947. ENGLAND. Departments of State and Official Bodies. War Office. Monuments1 Fine Arts and_ Archives Branch f Civil Affairs.

    Card ID: 255

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    Author: WOOLIEY (Charles Leonard)


    f IAJC UR WOOLIEY (Charles Leonard). I. The Royal cemetery: a report on the pre— dynastic aa’id Sargonid graves excavated between 1926 and 1931. By C. L. Wool1ey etc. LI16ndon, Oxford printed)] 1934. ee LOIDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies eto.JBritish Liuseum. Joint Expedition of the British Museum anof the iuseum of tbe Un1- ersity of Pennsrlvania to Ieaopotinia. Ur exoavatione. No. 2.

    Card ID: 256

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    Author: No Author available


    1NOOLLEY Charles Leonard). Spadework: adventures in arch&ology. pp. 124. Plates, i11ustrations,ma and aErams. 8°. London, 1953. \rJOo

    Card ID: 257

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    Author: WOOLLEY (Sir Charles Leonard)


    f IJC UR Bm WOOLLEY (Sir Charles Leonard). Ur excavations. V01. 4. The early periods: a report on the sites and objects prior in date to the third dynasty of Ur discovered in the course of the excavations. Phi1delha, 1955. LONDON. [III.j British Museum. Joirt Expedion of the British iuseum and of the Universitv of. Pennsylvania to Mesonotainia.

    Card ID: 258

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    Author: No Author available


    f. LJC UR WOOLLEY (Sir Charles Leonard). The Ziggurat and its surroundings. [London, oxford printed], 1939. See LONDON. 1111. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, - British Museum. jnt Expedition of the British Museum and of the Museum of the University of Pennylvania- to Mesopotaniia. Ur excavatZons. No. 5.

    Card ID: 259