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    Author: GTXN (COLUMBIA)


    I1I SI’,-i i A WASHflGTXN (COLUMBIA). $mithsothan Institution. Occultations of planets and stars by the moon during the year 1853. Computed by J. Downes, at the expense of the fund, appropriated by Congress for the establishment of a nautical almanac, and published. by the smithsonian Institution. pp. 35. Tables. 40 Vlashingtori, 1853.

    Card ID: 224

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    Author: No Author available


    PakograpIy CC25 .8 (Washington) Room Bcference only WASHING]DN (COLUI IA). Smithsonian Institution. Preliminary guide to the Smithsonien archives, . (çhives and Special Collections of the Smithsonian Institution, 1.) pp. 72. [Washington], 1971.

    Card ID: 225

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    ‘pokJ WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). Smitl’i3onian Institution. Report of explorations in 1873 of the Col9ado of the west. and its tributaries. By J.’1.Powel1, etc. pp. 36. Tables. 80 Washington, 1874.

    Card ID: 226

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    Author: No Author available


    @ 4i. WASHINGTON (cOLUIABIA). nit hsoriian Institution. Remarks on the type of the fossil cetacean ‘Agorophius pygn1us (1tiiler). pp. 8. Plate. 0 4 . Wahingtón, 1907. Bound in a volume lettered: Smithsonian Institutionecial Publications, 19—19O7.

    Card ID: 227

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    Author: No Author available


    Depository. - VIASflINGTON (COLUIiBIA). Smithsonian Institution. Report n aircraft supply of Great Britain and discusion of the difficulties involved in production, WashinLton, 1918. See infra: Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. Vol. 69. No. 7.

    Card ID: 228

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    Author: No Author available


    Depository. WASEIINGTON (COLUlBIA). Smithsonian Institution. Report on cooperative, educational and research work carried on by the Smithsonian Institution and its branches. Washington, 1923. See infra: Smithsonian zniscellaneous collections. — Vol. 76. No. 4.

    Card ID: 229

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    Author: No Author available


    WASHINGTO? (COLUMBIA). Smithsonian Institution. A Retrospective exhibition of sculpture by Paul Manship, February 23-4Iarch i6, 1958. pp. 31 ÷ (4 P1ate. 4 . WashingtonD.C., 1958.

    Card ID: 230

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    Author: No Author available


    ±olio 33 YVNB Re3trictcd. Lcan WASHINPO (COLUU3IA). Srnithscrian Institution. The S.iithsonian collection o newspaper ccutics. Edited by Bill Blackbeard and Martin Williams. Forword by John Canaday. pp. 336. Bib 1. and iilus. New York, [1978].

    Card ID: 231

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    WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian contributions to anthropology. [volumes in this series are fully catalogued under tho authors.) f 1k ij ‘fr&’. 1, ‘EGGE (Betty Jane). Early fomative period of coastait’5 Ecuador: the Valdivia and Machalilla phases, [By] B.J. }ggers, C.Evans and E.Estrada. 1965. 2,i’ANGEL (Johxi L.) Early skeletons from Tranquillity, ‘41 California. 1966. 2,ii. !YES (Ian .r.) New Zealand artifacts from the United States “Transit of Venus Expedition” 1874—1875. 1967. 2,iij. KILPATRIC]( (Jack Frederick) and (Anna Orifls). Muskogean charm songs among the Okiahona Cherokees. 1967. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 232

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    WASHNGTON (COLUMBIA). Snithsonian Institution. Smithsonian contributions to anthropology. [Continued.] 2, iv. }IICKERSON (Barold). Land tenure of the Rainy Lake Chippewa at the beginning of the 19th century. 196’?. 2, v, JONES (William Kirkland), Notes on the history and material culture of the Tonkawa Indians. 1969. 2, vi. JLPATRICK (Jack Frederick) and (Anna Gritta), !. Notebook of a Cherokee Shaman. 1970. 3. COE (Michael Douglas) and FLANNERY (Kent Vaughn:).’ Early cultures and human ecology in south coastal t.4€. Guatemala. 1967. 4. CHAFE (Wallace L.) Seneca morphology and dictionary.k ‘.iE 1967. ‘ [sEs NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 233

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    Author: TON (COL1JBIA)


    WASHINaTON (COL1JBIA). Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian contributions to anthropology, Icontinued.) 5 vL04J, LI N 5. LENTE (Joe 3.) [Letters.] The Artist of “Isleta paintings” [J.B.Lntej in Pueblo society. [Facsimile reproductins of his letters with an introduction Goldf’rank. 1967. 6. EVANS (Clifford) and MEGGRS (Betty N’/1’Uf Archeologica.L investigations on the Rio Napo, eastern Ecuador. 19t8. CSEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 234

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    WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian contributions to anthropclogy. [Continued.] 7. DE IAGUNA (Frederica Annie de Leo). Under Mount Saint Elias: the history and culture of the Yakutat Plingit. 1972. 8. LINARES DE SAPIR (Olga). Cultural chronology of the f ?,4 N LW4 Gulf of Chiriqui, Panama. 1968. 9. WILLIAI4$ (Aubrey W.) Navajo political process. 1970. 10. RIESENBERG (Saul H.) The Native polity of Ponape. 1968. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 235