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NEW - NEW YE (423)

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    NEW HAVEN (CONNECTICUT) Yale University. Yale studies in the history of sôience and medicine. [Continued.] ti 3. KETT (Joseph F.) The Formation of the American medical profession: the role of institutions, 1780—1860. 4. RUTHERFORD (Ernest), st Baron Rut herford.iLdkic.] Rutherford and BoJ.twood: letters on radioactivity. Edited by L. Badash. 1969. 5. LYELL (Sir Charles), Bart. Sir Chir1es Lyell’s scientific journals on the species question. ‘ Edited by L.G.11i].uon. 1970. [sEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 196

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    Author: MAVEN (coNNEcTICtir)


    folio 33 V3LbR Yal NF MAVEN (coNNEcTICtir). Yale University. Art Gallery. Mierican art, 1750-1800: towards Independence. (Charles F. Montgomery and Patricia E. Kane, General editors. With essays on Iimerican art and c’uJ.ture by J.H. P1imb, Neil Harris, Jules Lvid Prown, Frank H. Somier and Charles F. Montgomery. Published in connection with an exhibition held at Yale University Art Gallery, April 3 - May 23, 1976, and at the Victoria and Albert Museum, July 15 - Septeuituer 26, 1976.) pp. 320. flius. Boston, 1976.

    Card ID: 197

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    Author: No Author available


    f VLe (pc.i) NE HAVEI (CONNECTICUT). Yale Universi.ty. Art Gallery. Edwin Austin Abbey, 1852-1911: [catalogue of] sn exhibition ornized by the Yale University Art Gallery. Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut, December 6, 1973-February 17, l971.. Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 4arcb 9-April ui, 1971., Albany Institute of History and Art, Albany, New York, September 6-october 27, 1974. pp. 112. Illus. [New Raven, Conn], 1973.

    Card ID: 198

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    -CO3 [YaJ NTvi RAVEN (CONNECTICUT). Xale University. &inecke Rare Book and I.nucript Library. Yale papyri in the reinecke Rare Book and Inuscript Library. tr) J.F.Oates, A.E. Samiel, C.B.Welles. (P1naerican Stidies n 1ayro1oy, .) Vol.1, etc. Plates. and Toronto, 1°7, S In progress.

    Card ID: 199

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    XM357 Yal NE1 RAVEU (CoNNECTICUT). Yale University. Beinecke .re Book and )nuscript Library. [Editioniof Ivnuscripts.] (Phiilipps 8826.1 Un CaZoniere italiano inedito del secolo XIV. ([Edited by) Rio f4igriani.) (Studia Nistorica et Philo1oica, 2. Sectio Baianica, 1.) pp. l7. Bibi. -: ?lorence, 1971,.

    Card ID: 200

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    Author: No Author available


    OEPOITC4 Y1 NEW .iJTEN (c0NwCTIcUT). Yale University. Commit tee on Uner’ute Pr±ze Essays. Undergraduate prize essays. la The Po1itic1 theory of Arthur J.Penty. By 1.I).Soko1ov,, etc. [New HavenCo. 1, 1940. See SOKOL,OW (Asa D.)

    Card ID: 201

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    Author: No Author available


    NEV H.K’IEN (COUNECTICUT). Yale Uiüveisitv. Coinnittee on Unde’ gradu’te Prize Essays. Undargraduate prize essays. 2. New state i’ces a difieu1t world: the poititon of Turkey to—day. By E.S.FurniS, Jr., etc. [New Haven, Cor,j, 194C See FU1ISS (Edgar S.), the.4ounger.

    Card ID: 202

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    NEW kIAVEN (COiNECTICUT). X[e Uvrjt. Committee on egradtf £‘ri EssaysE Undergraduate prize essays. 3. Neutrality, 1941. By k{.B. Whiteman. IWith a bibiiography.j pp. (lOj + 71. 0 8. 1w and London. 1941.

    Card ID: 203

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    N EV HAVEN (CONNECTICUT). j tin j v ers Committee on Under:radute Prie Undergraduate prize essays. 4. National ocia1isa vs. international capitalism. By B. Tenenau. p. xii. + 127. 0 8. New Haven and London, 1942.

    Card ID: 204

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    Author: No Author available


    DEPOSfl’ORY., NEW hAVEN (CONNECTICUT). Yale University. Department of !hnthropology. Yale University publications in anthropology. 4. BEAGLEEIOLE .(Ernest). Hopi hunting and huntinE ritual. [With a bibliography.] pp. 26 Diagrams. 80. New Haven and Lonon, 1936. Submitted for the degree of D.Lit1943 in the LTnivrJty of Londor. Bound in a vo1ue_lettered: Anthropological Papers — ]ho 1 e.

    Card ID: 205

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    Author: No Author available


    DEPO1TO1 NEW iv (CONNECTICUT). Yale University. Department of throo1o. Yale University publications in anthropology. 15. BEAGLEiOLE (]rnest). Notes on Hopi economic life. Iwith a bibliography.] pp. (2) + 88. 80. New Haven and ondon, 1937. Submitted for the degree of D.Lit., 1940, in the Universit of London. Bound in a vàIiime lettered: Anthropological Papers - Beaglehole.

    Card ID: 206

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    NEwV HAVEN (CONNECTICUT). Yale Universi. mu4.ttee_on Undergrduate prize Essays. Undergraduate prize essays. 5. Poetical theory in republican Rome: an analytical discussion of the shorter narrative hexameter poems written in Jatin during the first century before Christ. By L. Richason. pp. i12) + 173. 0 8. tIavHayen [Qnn.] and London, 1944.

    Card ID: 207