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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    ‘(14 q’3 SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works.] The Folio Press Sh’kespeare. [Continued.] S1ip—caie 3. Th Life and death of King John...Introduction by Stuart Burge. Designs by Robin Archer. 1973. King Henry IV, part one. Introduction by Roger Planchon. Designs by Rene Allio. (Se,copd. ijnpression.) 1965 [1975]. King Henry IV, part two. Introduction by Brewster Mason. Designs by Eliabth Haffenden and Joan Bridge. 1975. King Henry V. Introduction by Michael Croft. Designs by Graham Barlow. 1976. Much do about nothing. Introduction by Denise Coffey. Designs by Tim Goodchi].d. 1976. The Merry wives of Windsor. Introduction by Terry Hands. Desirris by Timothy OtBrien. 1974. [ss NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 177

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    frt4cc ,j SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works.) The Folio Press Shakespeare. [Continued.) Slip—case 4. Julius Caesar. Introduction by Glen Byam Shaw. De5igns by Motley. (Second impression.) 1962 C19’7OJ. Twelfth Night. Introduction by Peter Hall. Designs by Lila di Nobili. (Second impression.) 1966 [1973). As you like it. Introduclion by Peter Brook. Decor and costumes by SalvadorDäli..(Fourth impression.) 1953 [19’73J. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Dennark,..With an introduction by Richard Burton. Designs by Roger Furse. (Fourth impression. 195k (1970). Troilus and Cressida. Introduction by Bohdan Korzeniewaki. Designs by Andrzej Najeietc4 (‘nid impression.) 1968 [197]. Othello. Introduction b, i. Designs by Tanya Moisei— witsch.(Fonrth impres on.) 1955 C19?)J. [S NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 178

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    Author: No Author available


    yl’ nfl ttr4ert.ttct i4j SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works.] The Folio Press Shakespeare. [Continued.] Slip—case 5. All’s well that ends well. Introduction and designs by Osbert Lancaster. 1963. Measure for measure. Introduction by Harold Hobson. Designs by Alix Stone. 1964. Ticuon of Athens...Introduction by Paul Scofield. Designs by Desmond Heeley. 1976. The Tragedy of King Lear...Introduction by Sir Donald Wolf it. Designs by Noguchi. (Third impression.) 1956 [1971. The Tragedy of Macbeth. . .Introduction by Sir Lewis Casson. Designs by Michael Ayrton and John tlinton. (Second edition, third impression.) 1951 [1973]. The Tragedy of Antony & Cleopatra...With an introduction by Sir Laurence Olivier. bes: tumes & scenery by Audrey Cruddas & Roger Furse. ourth impression.) 1952 [1975] [SEE NEXT CARD. 1

    Card ID: 179

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    Author: No Author available


    Lc_ê v..Lj &iAKSPEARL (William). [Works.] The Folio Press Shakespeare. [Continued.] Slip—case 6. The Tragedy of Coriolanus. Introduction by Manfred Wekwerth and Joachirn Tenschert. Designs by Marifred Grund. 1975. Pericles Prince of Tyre. ]:ntroduction by I?chard Pasco. Designs by Paul Shelving. 1972. Cymbeline. Introduction by Ian Richardion. Designs by John Napier. 1976. The Winter’s tale. Introduction by Flora Robson. Designs by Carl Toms. 1975. The Tempest. Introduction by Sir John Clenients. Designs by Ralph Koltai. 1971. The Life of King Henry VIII. Introduction by Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree. Designs by Percy Mncquoid. 1974.

    Card ID: 180

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    f YR 96 Reference only SHAKESPEARE (William). (Works. - 196k.) Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, histories & tra€edies. 1623. [Facsimile) produced by Microfilm-Xerox in commemoration of the Shakespeare quatercentenary fich t1i’ ociginal in the British Museum. 3 parts in 1 vol. Portrait. fol. London, 196if.

    Card ID: 181

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    3H 969 Reference only SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works. - 1959.) The Complete works • General editor: Alfred Harbage • The Pelican text revised. (Reprinted.), lJi.8i. Facsims. and ifliis. Thndon, 1969. [Another copy.)

    Card ID: 182

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    Author: No Author available


    f YH 969 Reference only SHAKESPEARE am. Lworks. - 1969.] The Norton facsimile. The first folio of Shakespeare. Prepared by Chariton Hinman. pp. xxvii, 92g. London, L969].

    Card ID: 183

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    Author: AKESPEARE (William)


    ShAKESPEARE (William). tWorks. - English and French.J Collection Shakespeare. (Texte et traduction.) Publie sous la diDection de A.Koszul. Volumes in this edition are catalogued separately.

    Card ID: 184

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    9L SHAKESPEARE (William). [works..—Freneh.] [Works.] Nouvelle traduction française, avec remarques et notes, par PJiIessiaen. 3 vols. 80. (Paris, Bruges printed, 1948—49). 1. I,es Comdies. 1949. 2. Les Tragdies. 1949 3. Les Drames historiques et les pomes lyriques. 1948.

    Card ID: 185

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    Author: SPEAFE (Williem)


    YHCF 961 5HA1SPEAFE (Williem). Iworks. - Fnch.J Thtre complet. Trschction de F.V.Huo. (Iiitroc uction, notices et notes par J.B.Fort. Edition iflustr&e.) (Ciessiaues Gamier.) ‘vols. Bibliography. 80. Paris, 1961-64.

    Card ID: 186

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    Author: No Author available


    Y-i CK S114.KESPEARE (William). LWorks. — Gerinn.] .1 Shakapeare’s dramatische Werke. Uberaetzt von” A.W.von Schiegel und Lieck. Neue Ausgabe 9 vols. Frontispieces. 8°. Berlin, 1853—55.

    Card ID: 187

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    Author: RE (Wi11ia)


    N’”’ 2’7 SHAXESPEkRE (Wi11ia). [Works. — I’ Shakespeare’s draiatische Werke. Ubersetzt von A.W.v.Schlegel und L.Tieck (durchgesehen von it.Bernays). 12 vols. in 6. 80. Berlin, 1871—75.

    Card ID: 188