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AUG - AUQ (579)

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    Author: No Author available


    AUGUSTAN REPRINT SOCIETY. Publications. [Continued.] 7L ( 137. MURPHY (Arthur). The Englishman from Paris. 1736. [Printed from the manuscript in the Newberry Library. Introduction by S. Trefman. 1969. ‘(K 138. TRO1ER (Catherine). Olinda’s adventures; or, the Amours of a young lady. 1718. Itntroduced by R.A.Day. 1969. 139. OGILVIE (John), D.D., Minister of Midmar, Aberdeenshire. An Essay on the lyric poetry of the ancients [prefixed to his “Poenis on various subjects”), 1762. Introduction by W.Jackson. 1970. CSEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 172

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    Author: No Author available


    AUGUSTAN REPRINT SOCIETY. Publications. [Continued.] 11,0. DISSERTATION. A Learned dissertatibu on dumpling. Anonymous, 1726. Pudding and dumpling burnt to pot; or, a Compleat key to the Dissertation on dumpling. (By J.W)...1727.• Introduction by D.L.tacey. 1970. 141. OBSERVATOR. [1681—87.) Selections from the Observator, [by Sir Roger L’EstrangeJ 1681—1687. Introduction by V.Jordain. 1970. i.’’iti? C/f TI 142. COLLINS (Anthony). A Discourse concerning ridicule and irony in writing, 1729. Introduction by E.A.Bloom and L.D.Bloom. 1970. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 173

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    Author: No Author available


    AUGUSTAN REPRINT SOCIETY. Publicatiofls. [Continued.) 143. CLERGYMAN. A Letter from a clergyman to his friend, with an account of the travels of Captain Lemuel Gulliver ( and a character of the author [Jonathan Swift). To which is added the true reasons why a certain Doctor [i.e. Swift) was made a Dean.) Anonymous, 1762. Introduction by N.Kallich. 1970. 144. HORATIUS FLACCUS (Quintus). [Art Poetica.—Parodies.] The Art of architecture: a poem in imitation of Horace’s Art of poetry. Anonymous, 1742. [Attributed to J.Gwynn.J Introduction by W.A. Gibson. 1970. [SEZ NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 174

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    Author: No Author available


    AUGUSTAN REPRINT SOCX12Y. Pub]. icat ions. tContinud.) 145-6. SHELTON (Thomas), Writer on Shorthand. A Thtor to tachygraphy; or, Short—writing. 1642. Tach’graphy. 1647. Introduction by William Matthews. (Pepys’s description of the Great lire of London, 1—4 Septerber 1666 [in shorthand3.) 3 parts in I vol. 1970. 147—8. JOHNSON (Samuel, LL.D. [Selections.] Deformities of Dr. Samuel Johnson, selected from his works. [By Janes Thomson Cal].ender.J 1782. [A facsimile reprint of a copy in the University of Chicago Library.i Introduction by Owin J.Kolb and J.E. Congleton. 1971. CsEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 175

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    Author: No Author available


    AUGUSTAN REPRINT SOCIE2Y. Publications. [Continued.] (P C .2) 149. POETA. Poets de tristibus; or, the Thet’s complaint. 1682. Introduction and notes by Harold Love. [A facsimile reprint of a copy in the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library.] 1971. ig:L 150. TANGERINE (Gerard), the Younger. Momu.o triunpharw; or, ti. the Plagiaries of the English stage. 1688 (1687>. Introduction by David Stuart Rodes. (Facsimile reprint of a copy in the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library.] 1971. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 176

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    Author: No Author available


    AUGUSTAN PEa’RINT SOCIETY. Publications. [Continued.] 151—152. LIDYD (Evari), ?1.A. The Methodist: a poem. 1766. Introduction by Raymond Bentman. (Facsimile ...reproduced from a copy in the British Museum.) 1972. 153. 4GiJSEMAN. Are these things so? (The previous y question, from an Englishman in his grotto, to a great man at court...The second dition corrected, etc.) 17. The Great man’s answer to ‘Are these things so?’ (In a dialogue between iis Monour and the Englishman in his grotto...By the author of ‘Are these things so?’)17140. (Facsimiles...reproduced from copies in the British 1useum.) Introduction by Ian Gordon. 1972. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 177

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    Author: No Author available


    AVGUSTAN REPRThT socwrr. Publications. [QDntinued.] 154. SAThT ALMNS GHOST • Arhuthnotiana; the Story of ‘IKU’.C. 2) the St. Alb-ns ghost, 1712, [a. political satire by Jonathan Swift arid J. Arbuthnot]. A (talogue of Dr, Arbuthnot ‘s library, 1779. [Reproduced from copies In the &itish 14scum. I Introduction by Patricia Kcster. 1972. 155—156. HUG (Hermannus).. [Pie Desideria. - Selections.] Re@øtfl A Selection of emblems, from Hoitn Hugo: Pie desideria, 1621i, Francis Queries:: i)ablemes, 1635, Edmund Anoker: Pie dcsideria [translated from Hugo ‘a work], i686, (and Octavio van Veen: Amoris devini emblerr.ata, 1660). Introduction by Wiuiam A. Wflueen. 1972. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 178

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    Author: No Author available


    AUGUSTAN REPRINT SOCIFJI’Y. Publications. EContinued.) fL.(p.c .) i6i. BLAIR (Robert), Ilinister of Athe1taneford. The Grave: a noern. 17k). Introduction by James A.Keans. 1973. 163. RIDER (William), A.B., of Jesus Collee Oxford. A itistorica]. and critical account of the lives and writings of the living authors of Great britain, 1962. Introduction by O.N.Brack. 197+. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 179

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    Author: No Author available


    AUGUSTAN REP1INT SOCIY. Publications.. [Continued.] ‘L cP C.. 164. EDdARDS (Thomas), Barristerf Lincoln’s Inn. The Sonnets of Thomas Edwards, 1765, 1780. Introduction by Dennis G.Donavan. 1974. y (P.L. 165. JACOB (Sir Hildebrand), 3art. Of the sister arts: nd essay. 1734. Introduction by N.R.Schweizer. 1974. (I 166. MINER (Earl Roy). Poems on the reign of William III, 1690, 1696, 1699, 1702. Introduction and selection by Earl Hiner. 1974. t_ f ( 167. O’iARA (Kane). iidas: an hnglish burletta, 1766. [With the tunes. A reprint.] Introduction by P.T.Dircks. 1974. [SEE I(EXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 180

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    Author: No Author available


    AUGtJSI1AN REPRINT SOCIETY. Publications. [Continued.] M ,1 L9 168. DEFOE (Daniel). (liinor Single Works.] A Short narrative of the life and actions of Mis Grace John, D. of M’.rlboroug, 1711. Introduction by Paula N. Backecheider. 1974. (Samuel), (ovelist. The Ap3ieii- RcFERFI’..\ - tice’s vade mecum. 1734. [A facsimile reproduction of the copy in the Fondren Library, Rice University.] Introduction by Alan Dugald McKillop. 1975.

    Card ID: 181

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    Author: No Author available


    AUGUSA Epa:NT scciury. Publications. CContinued.i 87 . 171. A1STCN (James). The I’!an of taste. 1733. [A facsimile.) Introduction by F.P.Lock. 1975. 172—3. CHARLETOII (Walter). The Ephesian matron. i668. [A42G facsimile of the second edition published with ‘The Cimmerian matron’.] Introduction by Achcah Guibbory. 1975. 174. HANDEVILLE (Bernard do). The Mischiefs that ought justly to be apprehended frornaa Whig_Government. 1714. Introduction by- H.T. Dichineon. 1975. i74X. NELION (John). Astrologaster; or, the Figure-caster. iCT 1620. Introd,1#iin )w G. Dick. 1975.

    Card ID: 182

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    Author: No Author available


    AUGUSTAN RLPRINT SOCflTY. Publicetion8. [Continued. j ‘fX (I’ci-) 179. OSWILL (James), the Elder. A View of the Edinburgh theatre during the summer season1 1759.I76O.> Introduction by David W.Xarbet. 1976.

    Card ID: 183