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    Author: CSPEARE (Wifliam)


    SHAiCSPEARE (Wifliam).1 [Works. 1921.] The Works of Shakespeare. Edited for the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press, etc. LCONTINtTED: —] 6 Much ado about nothing. ‘1. 1.ia’e’s labour’s lost. 8. A midsummer night’ s dream: See icrofiche Cat. 9. The Merchant of Venice. — JO. As you like it. 11. The Taming of the shrew. 12. All’s well that ends we]].. .3. Twelfth night; or, VThat you will. Microfiche Catalogue. [SEE NEXT CIRD. j

    Card ID: 147

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (il1iatxi)


    SHAKESPEARE (il1iatxi). [Works. 1921.) The Works of Shakespeare. Edited for the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press, etc. tContinued.1 14. The Winter’s Tale. i. Hamlet. lb. King John. 17. King Richard II. 1. Henry IV., Part 1. 19. henry IV., Part 2. 20. Henry V. 21.Macbeth. See Microfiche Cata1oue. 22. Titus lindroiiicus. 23. Julius Csa-- e Microfiche .Catalogue. [SEE NEXT CP.RD.]

    Card ID: 148

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works. 1921 .‘ The Works of Shakespeare. Edited for the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press, etc. [Continued.] 24, Antony and Cleopatra. 25. The First part of King Henry VI. 26. The Second part of King Henry VI. 27. The Third part of King Henry VI. 28. Richard III. 1954. 29. Romeo and Juliet. 30. Pericles. 31. Othello. 32. Troilus and Cressida. 33. Timon of A”’ {SENXT CMD.]

    Card ID: 149

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    Author: No Author available


    S. $MAKESPEARE (William). LWorks. 19211 The Works of Shakespeare. Edited for the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press, . 1Qntizue4.] 3Li. Cymbeline. See I4.crofiche Cata1oge. 35. King Lear. 36. Coriolanus, 37. King Henry the Eighth. 38. The Poems. 39. The Sonnets.

    Card ID: 150

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works.) The Works of William Shakespeare, chronologically arranged. With introductions by C.Whibley. 3 vols. Portraits and plates. 8°. London, 1925.

    Card ID: 151

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    Author: SHAXESPEARE (William)


    STERL1!G LIBRARY LLtJ Prc — q REFEFECE ONIX SHAXESPEARE (William). [Works. — 1929.] The Works of Shakespeare: the text of the First Folio with quarto variants and a selection of modern readings. &Iited by H.Fareon. 7 vols. 80. Pre: [London], and. New York, f99-33. No.1531 of 1600 copies. 6J.C., 111.420.

    Card ID: 152

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    Author: No Author available


    SHATCRSPEI1P.E (Yliiliam). {Works.] The Swaia Shakespeare: a player’s edition. Notes on produ.ction by C. B. ?irdom... Drawings, etc. 3 vole. 8°. London, [1930.] 1. Comedies. 2. Tragedies. 3. Histories (and poems).

    Card ID: 153

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    Author: No Author available


    f, ,3. ‘! cooi sociEty flc’ut1c4o OIILY SHAKESPEARE (William). [Wrks. The Works of William Shakespeare. Edited by W.G.Clark and W.A.Wright. (The Globe dition) pp. viii, + 1211. 8°. London, 1930.

    Card ID: 154

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    Author: SEAISPEARE (William)


    SEAISPEARE (William). [Works.] The Complete works of William Shakespeare, containing the plays and poems, with special introductory matter [by St. J. Ervine and a. Irving], index of characters & glossary of unfamiliar terms. pp. lix. + 1312. Portrait and illustrations. 8°. London and Glasgow, [1931].

    Card ID: 155

  • card

    Author: PERE (William)


    H EHAKE8PERE (William). [Works.] The Complete works of Shakespeare. Edited by C.L.Kittredge. pp. (6) + 1561. portrait. 8°. Boston [Mass.], 1936.

    Card ID: 156

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works. I The New Temple Shakespeare. Edited by M.R.Ridley. 40 vols. Portrait and illustrations. i6o. London and New York, 1936— 1. A111s well that ends well. 1952. 52. 2. Antony and Cleopatra. 1949. 3. As you like it. 1949. 4. The Comedy oi errors. 1948. 5. Coriolanus. 194w. 6. Cymbeline. 1948. 7. Hamlet. 1952. $. King henry IV. First part. 1951. 9. (ing Henry d part. 1949. [SEE NEXT CARD.1

    Card ID: 157

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    ‘(H C(g SHAKESPEARE (William). [works.1 The New Temple Shakespeare, etc. [Continued.] 10. The Life of King Henry V. 1950. 11. King Henry VI. First part. 1948. 12. King Henry VI. Second part. 19fi8. 13. King Henry VI. Third part. 1948. 14. The Life of King Henry VIII. 1948. 1. Julius Csar. 1949. Ic’. King John. 195j. 17. King Lear. 1950. 18. Love’s labour’s lost. 1948. 19. Macbeth. 1949. 20. Measure for measure.1950. [SEE 1EXT CARD,]

    Card ID: 158