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    CEAPL iXLL (NORTH CAROLINA). University of North Carolina. Studies in the Romance languages and literatures. [Continued.) ilk. PEX (Mario Andrew). [Appendix.] Studies in honor of Mario A.Pei. [By various authors.) Edited by John Fisier and Paul A.Caeng. 1972. 115. RANDOLPH (Donald Allen). Don Xanuel Cai’icte, cronistaCfc iiterario del romanticismo y del posromanticismo en0 Esoaa. 1972. ii6.ZDUIs IX., Kin of France, Saint. [Enseigneinents de Saint Louis.] The Teachings of Saint Louis: a critical text, by David O’Connell. 1972. xlM 117. RUBIN (David Lee). higher, hidden order: design and M;7. meaning in the c - erbe. 1972. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 137

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    CHAPEL HILL (NORTR CAROLINA). UniversiLy of North Caro:Lina. Studies in t’e Romance languages and literatures. [Continued.] ii8. IE MOTE (Jehan de). Le Parfait clu paon. ditioa i-’3W critique par Richard J.Carey. 1972. 119. ARCHANBAtJLT (Paul j.)Carnus’ Hellenic sources. 1972. 120. J24SE2 (Frede). From Vulgar Latin to Old Provençal. 1972. 121. LEAVIT (Sturgis E.) Golden Age drama in Spain: general consideration and uriuaual features. 1972. 122. LARA. The Legend of the ‘Siete infantee Wi’r CMiI1laC refundici&i toledana de la cr&nica de 1344 version. Study and edit: athrop. 1972. CSEE NEXT CARD]

    Card ID: 138

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    CHAPEL MILL (NORTH CAROLINA). Univerai%y of North Carolina. Studies in the Romance languages and literatures. [Continued.] $ij 123. TOMNASO (Andrea di). Structure and ideology in Bojardo’s ‘Orlando innáinorato’. 1972. %‘C’ bkr- cMiUtSU 124. ENGSTROM (Alfred Garvin). Studies in honor of Alfred G. Engatrom. Edited by R.T.Cargo and E.J.Mickel. 1972. 125. VICEN’rE (Gil). A Critical edition with introduction and notes of Gil Vicento’s ‘Floresta de Enganos’. By Constantine C. Stathatos. 19’72. i26. Et.JSTACHE, called le Moine. Li Romans de Witasse le XT Home, roman du treizime siecle, dit d’après le manuscrit, fonds françal8 1553, de la Bibliothque ifl. Nationale, Paris, par D.J.Conlon. 1972. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 139

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    CHAPEL HILL (NORTH CAROLINA). University of North Carolina. Studies in the Romance languages and literatures. [Cojitinued.J 127. AVALLE—fiRCE (Juan Bautista). El Cronieta Pedro i:,C\ de Escavias: nsa vida del siglo X. 1972. 12& CALISTO. flltalian.] An Edition of the first Italian translation of the Celestina. By K.V.Kjsh. 1973. 1.9. VOGL (Frederick Wright). Molire mocked; three XTilc7 contemporary hostile comedies 1973. 130. SAINTE-BE(JVE (C.A.) Chateaubriand et son groue littraire. .Index...par Lorin A.Uffenbeck. 1973.. 131. HAIll (Juergen). The Origins of the baroque concept ‘ of ‘peregrinatio’. 1973. i’-- ( Ni.. 132. DIE1Z (Donald ‘he Auto sacramental and the parable i, panish golden age literatur. 1973. ESEE NCT CARD.J

    Card ID: 140

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    CHAPEL HILL (NORTH CAROLINA). University of North Carolina. Studies in the Romance languages and literatures. [Continued.] 133. OALVERT (laura). Francisco tie Osuna and the spirit of the letter. 1973. CcL. 134. BONFILS TEXPLER (Margherita de). Itinerario di swore: dialettica di wnore o rrorte nella Vita nuova. 1973. 137. MARTIN, tie Côrdova. Jardin de nobles donzellas fofJ Fray Martin de C6rdoba A critical edition and studyi By Harriet Gold rg. 1974. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 141

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    CHAPEL HILL (NORTH CAROLINA). University of North Carolina. Studies in the Romance languages and literatures. [Continued.] rn,P 139. ROTHSCHILD (Judith Rice.) Narrative technique in therot ‘Lai& of Marie de France: themes and variations. Vo1.1 1974. 140. WINTER (John F.) Visual variety and spatial grandeur:

    Card ID: 142

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    Author: HILL (NORTh CAR)LINA)


    CHAPEL HILL (NORTh CAR)LINA). University. of North Carolina. Studies in the Romance languages and literatures. [Continued.) 142. KNAPTON (Antoinette). I4ythe et psychologie chez Marie de France dans ‘Guigemar’. 1975. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 143

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    CHAPEL MILL (NORTH CAROLINA). University of North Carolina. Studies in the Romance languages and literatures. [Continued.] - •- 161. McCANN (John J.) The Theater of Arthur Adamov. T975J A2.2) 162. HAUER (Mary G.) Luis Vèlez de Guevara: a critical. bib1io—””. graphy. 1975. 163. RACE’ISKIS (Karlis). Voltaire and the French Academy. 1975’ 164. LPARDI (Giacomo). £Paraliporneni della Batracomiomachia2”1 English.] The War of the mice and the crabs. Trans1ated’ introduced, and annotated by Erneato G.Caserta. 197. CO1ii i6. SI’EWA1T (Joan Hinde). The Novels of Mae Riccoboni. 1976. 166. WTTFc (Marcia L.) Style and stucti (34 ‘El Crijc1’• 19 I [SEE NE)(T CARD.]

    Card ID: 144

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    Author: No Author available


    APEL Riu (NoirH CAROLIW). University of North Carolina. Studies in the Romance laiiaes and literatures. [Continued.) yf 171. CHAPEL HILL (NoRTH CAROLINA). University of North aroinSamuel Beclcett; the art of rhetoric. Edited by Edouard Morot—Sir, Howard Harper, Dou,ald MoMillan. 1976. -- r L.J 172. RUIZ CANO Y SAENZ GALIANO (Francisco A.), MarQuiS de Soto Florido. Un Tr{ptico del Peri virreinal: el Virrey Amat, el Marqus de Soto Florido y la Perricholi. 1976. Ct.,?_$, 4i.•; 173. KLEINHENZ (Christopher). Medieval manuscripts and textual criticism. [By various authors.] Edited by Christopher Xleinhenz. 1976.

    Card ID: 145

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    Author: L (NORTH C?OLINA)


    CHAPEL HIlL (NORTH C?OLINA). University of North Carolina. Studies in the Romance languages and literatures. Essays. [Volumes in this sub—series have been incorporated in the main series, and re—numbered as shown.) 1. — 151. 11. — i6. a. — 168. : 13. — 161. 33. — 160. 5. — 170. 6. — 161. 16. - 167. 7. — 166. S. — i6.

    Card ID: 146

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    CHAP1 MILL (NOITH CAROLINA). University of North Carolina. Studies in the Romance 1anguags and literatures. Symposia. [Volumes in this sub—series have been incorporated in the main series, and re—numbered as shown.) 1. — 157. 2. — 158. 3. — 159. 4. — 173. 5. — 170.

    Card ID: 147

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    CHAPEt, HILL (NORTH CAROLINA). lJnjversity of North Carolina. Studies in the Romance languages and literatures. Texts, textual studies, and translations. [Volumes in this sub—series have been incorporated in the azain series, and re—numbered as shown.) 1. 154. 15. — 172. 2. — 155. 3. — 156. 4. — 164. 5. — 162.

    Card ID: 148