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BELL. D - BELLO (502)

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    Author: BL (John)


    YBL Bel - eference only BL (John), Bookseller. Bell’s British theatre, etc. [Continued.] 1. Zara, by Aaron Hill, Esq. Venice preserved, by Mr. T. Otway. Jane Shore, by N. Rowe, Eaq. Siege of Daiascua, by Mr. Hughes. Distressed nother, by Mr. A. Philips. 1776. 2 The Provok’d wife, by Sir J. Vanbrui. Every man in his humour, by Ben Jonson. The Beaux stratagem, by G. Farquhar, Esq. The Old batchelor, by W. Congreve, Esq. The Comriittee, by Sir. R. Itoward. 1777. [SES NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 136

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    Author: BELL (John)


    YBL Bel Rcfcrcnco only BELL (John), Bookseller. Bell’s British theatre, etc. [Continued.) 3. The Earl of Essex, by Henry Jones. Tamerlane, by N. Rowe, Esq. The Hournin bride1 by W. Congrove, Esq. The fair penitent, by N. Rowe, Eq. Cato, by Joseph Addison, Esq. 1776. 4. The Wonder, by 1rs. Centlivre. Rule a wife and have a wife, by Beaumont and Fletcher. The Suspicious husband, by Dr. Hoadley. The Conscious lOVer5, by 5ir R. Steele. The Recruiting officer, by Mr. Iarquahr [sic]. 1776. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 137

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    Author: No Author available


    YEL Be]. Reference only BELL (John), Bookseller. Bells British Theatre, etc. [Continued.] 5. All for love, by Mr. Dryden. The Orphan, by Mr. P. Otway. Thncred and Sigismunda, by Mr. Thomson. George Barnwell, by Mr. Lillo. Isabella, altered from Southerne. 1776. [SEE NEXT CARl).]

    Card ID: 138

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    Author: No Author available


    YBI. Bel Reference only BELL (John), Bookseller. Bell’s British theatre, etc. CContinted.) ‘7. The Royal convert, by N. Rowe, Esq. Alexander the Great, by N. Lee, Gent. Mahoinet, by the Rev. Mr. Miller. Theodosius, by N. Lee, Gent. Lady Jane Gray, by N. Rowe, Esq. 1776. [SEE NEXT CARD.J

    Card ID: 139

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    Author: No Author available


    YBL Bel Reference only Bt.L (John), Bookseller. Bell’s British theatre, etc. LContinued.J 9. The Beggar’s opera, by Mr. Gay. Polly, by Mr. Gay. Achilles, by Mr. Gay. The Gentle shepherds, by Allan Ramsay. Comus, by John Milton. 19??. 10. Merope, by Aaron Hifl. Barbarossa, by the Rev. Dr. Brown. Aizira, by aron Hill. Fhaedra and Hippolitus, by Hr. Smith. Oroonoko, by Thomas Southern. 1777. [SE1 NEXT CARD.J

    Card ID: 140

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    Author: BELL (John)


    ‘tEL Bel Reference only BELL (John), Bookseller. Bell’s British theatre, etc. [ontinued.J 11. The Refusal, by Colley Gibber. The Way of the world, by W. Congreve. Amphitryon, altered from Dryden by Dr. He.wkesworth. The Drummer, by Hr. Addison. The Relapae, by Sii John Vanbrugh. 1777. [SF HXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 141

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    Author: BELL (John)


    YBL - Bel eference only BELL (John), Bookseller. Bell’s Britiah theatre, etc. [Continued.] 13. The Inconstant, by Farquhar. The Double dealer1 by Congreve. The Foundling, by Mr. Moore. The Spanish Fryar, by Dryden. The Double gallant, by Cibber. 1777. 14. The Albiori queens, by Mr. Banks. Anna Bullen, by Mr. Banks. Mariainne, by 14r. Fenton. Ximena, by Mr. Cibber. The Brothers, by Dr. Young. 1777. [sEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 142

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    Author: BELL (John)


    YBL Eel Reference only BELL (John), Bookseller. Bell’s theatre, etc. [Continued.] 15. Th Constant couple, by Mr. Farquhar. Sir Harry Wildair, by Hr. Farquhar. The Confederacy, by Sir J. Vanbrugh. The Rehearsal, by the D. of Buckingharn. The Chance8, by the D. of Buckinghazn. 1777. [SEE NEXT an.]

    Card ID: 143

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    Author: BELL (John)


    YBL Bel Ieference only BELL (John)1 Bookseller. Befl.’s British theatre, etc. [Continued.) 17. The Twin rivals, by Mr. Farquhar. The Country wife, by Mr. Wycherley. The Fair Quaker of Deal, by Mr. Shadwell. The Alchyist, by Ben Jonon. Love’s last shift, by Co].ley Cjbber, 177?. 18. Sophonsiba, by Mr. Thomson. PhilaQtcr, altered from Beaumont and Fletcher. Virginia, by Mr. Crisp. Ulysses, by N. owe. Gustavus Vasa, by Henry Brooke, E80 1778. [s NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 144

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    Author: BELL (John)


    YBL Bel Reference only BELL (John), Bookseller. 19. Volpone, altered froii Ben Jonson. Conntry lasses, by Mr. C. John8on. Mistake, by Sir John Varibrugh. ‘Gamesters, as altered from Shirley. The Lady’s last stake, by C. Cibber. 1778. 20. Elvira, by Mr. Mallets Boadicia, by Mr. Glover. Creusa, by W. Whitehead, Esq. Douglas, by Hr. Hume. Roman father, by W. hitehead, Esq. 1 ‘778.

    Card ID: 145

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    Author: BELL(John)


    BELL(John), Bookseller. Bell’s flritish theatre, etc. [Continued.] Ma!cclin Moz1,y [Another copy of vol. 9) çoiltiofl 1G70 aIco1m- Morley [Another copy of vol. 15.] Coliectián 107( (Another copy of vol. 20.) Imperfect; wanting the general tit1e-pae.

    Card ID: 146

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    Author: No Author available


    • — .., )3 ,•• 7 BELL (John), gqI. [Belits British theatre.] 136 vols. in 34. Plates. - 12°. Lon, 1791—97. The volumes are _nubered 1—21, 23-fl two vo1umes22 and 6 are apparently mis4g. Each p1 is arateiy catalogued.

    Card ID: 147