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    Author: No Author available


    LOND0N.[III.] Britiah Academy, etc. kinual Shakeepeare Lecture. [Continued.] 1916. Y.acKAIL (John William). Sha.espeare after three hundred years. [1916.] . [Another copy.] t’.. P. LPu7/ 1917. BCHING (Henry C.) Dean of Norwich. The Character L.. of ShakesDeare. [1917) 1918. RALEIGI (Sir Walter A1exandar) Shakespeare and England. 17i8.J 1919. WARD (Six’ (&dolphus Willian). Shakcspeare and the’l44N makers of Virginia. [1919.) Ujc [Another copy.) . .. ( c’ 1920—192. [No lectures given.]

    Card ID: 105

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    Author: No Author available


    LONDON. British Academy tc. Annual Shakespeare Lecture. [Continued.] 1961. DAVID (Richard W.) Shakespeare and the players. [1962?] 1962. LASCEILES (Mary M.) Shakespeare’s comic insight. [1963 ?) (ic.31 1963. JENKINS (Harold). Hamlet and Opbelia.4(P. [196k]. W cPw?z 21T4w1 196k. BUILOUGH (Geoffrey). Shakespeare the Elizabethan. 11965). 1965.. BRàDBROOK (Muriel C.) Shakespeare’s vj-j(pc) primitive art. L1966 i “-. / [SEE NEXT CAfiD.]

    Card ID: 106

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    Author: No Author available


    LONDON. till.] iti Acadey etc. Annuaa Shakespeare Lecture. LContjrned. 1966. CI1EMEN (Wo1fgan a.) Fast and future in Shakespeare’s drama. t1967J. 1967, EtINTEB (George Kirkpatrick). Othello tnd colour prejudice. [1968.T. ‘V.’ 1968. HUMPHREYS(Arthur Raleigh). Shakespeare’s histories and ‘the emotion of imiltiti.zde’. [1970.] 1969. KARBAGE (Alfred Bennett). Shakespeare without words. [1970.) [S NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 107

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    Author: No Author available


    LONDON. [III.) British Academy, etc. Annual Shakes:peare Lecture. Lcontinued.J , 1970. EDWARDS (Philip). Person and office in Shakespeare’ s 1971. S (J2,?innes Mackintosh). Shakespeare’ a lofty scene. 1971. ‘/k(e.c s) 1972. MAIIOOD (Molly Maureen). Unbiotted lines: Shakespeare at work. 19?2. 1973. LEH (Clifford Edmund John). shakespeares’(PC i) tragic fiction. 1973. 1974. MAXWELL (Jarnes C.) ‘Measure for measure’: ‘y the play and the thenes. 1974. [SEE N(T CARD.j

    Card ID: 108

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    Author: No Author available


    WNDON. (III.) Bitish Academy, etc. Animal Shakespeare Lecture. EContinued.] 9?5. GRIVEWI (Hichel). A Portrait of the artist as Proteus. 975. For other vo1uies in this series see Microfiche Catalogue.

    Card ID: 109

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    Author: No Author available


    (SJQtGS5I LONDON. the Protuotion df Hjstorjcal, Phjlosophjcal and Philological Studie. Britain’s tribute to Dante in literature and art: a chronological record of 540 years. (c.1380—1920>. By P.Toynbee. (Dante ConiiaeinOration, 1921.) pp. xvi. + 212. 8° London, [1921]. See TOYNBEE(Paget J.)

    Card ID: 110

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    Author: No Author available


    DEPOSITOR? LONDON. jshAcadey et.. The British Academy: th first tifty years. By Sir F.G.Kenyon. With a foreword by Sir C.K.Webster. pp. 37. Portraits. 0 - 8 . iondon, i952.

    Card ID: 111

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    Author: No Author available


    foLCC2..7 [Cn’ P]ography iHt’4 Ofl, Room LONDON. British Academy for the Promotion of Historical, Philosophical and _i1ologicai Studies. The Czdmon manuscript of Anglo—Saxon ib1ica1 poetry, JunIus X. in the Bodleian Library. [Reproduced in facsimile.] With introduction by Sir I.Gollancz. pp. cxxvii. + (7) + 229 + (1) ont jpiece. fol. London, 1927. No. 105 an edition limited t2O_copie.

    Card ID: 112

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    Author: No Author available


    LONDOL Ciii.] 3ritieh Academy, etc. Chatterton Lecture on an English Poet. [Volumes in this series are fully catalogued under the authors.] yiç (c.’.) 1968. JONES (Emrys Uoyd). Pope and duluess. [1969.] 1969. WORDSWORTH (Jonathan). William Wordsworth, \‘A 1770—1969. (1970.3 1970. STALLWORTHY (Jon liowie). Wilfred Owen. 1971. c. 1971. ALEXANDER (Nigel). The Perform.nce of Christopher ‘‘ (c.9 Marlowe’s ‘Dr. Fauntus’. 1972. 1972. EVFE!T (Barbara). Donne: a London poet. 1972. “‘! (SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 113

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    Author: No Author available


    4jtA LO.DDN. . Corpas Platonicun medii vi. .uspiciis Jcademi iritamii c to.iuv anti bu Instituto Warbuzgi ano Londinerisi Unitisque icademi4.s edidit R.Klibansky. Vol. 1, 8°. Lid2U, 1940, . 1. e the “ rj..cmrn eat ia 1w erroJn i stote jihbyhJi Academofimeri Ca dthe Aote1_latin,u s p ii. Union &cadmi a “Co rp hoJjdi i e. i torj of tg ioaen ti&on e. j SEE iEXT CARD)

    Card ID: 114

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    Author: No Author available


    LONDON. British Academy. Corpus P].atonicum medii aevi, etc. Plato arabus. Edidit R. Waizer. [The volumes in this series are fully cataloued under the headings set out below:J pi& 1. GALENUS (Claudius). [In Platonis Pima1 Comnaentarius. — Latin and Arabic .] Galeni Compendium Tiniaei PIatàiiis alioruinque dialogorum synopsis quae extant fragmenta. Ediderunt P. Kraus et R. Waizer. 1951. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 115

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    Author: No Author available


    LONDON. British Academy, . Corpus Platonicum medi5. aevi, j. [Continued.] Plato latinus. Edidit R.Klibansky. [The volumes in this series are ±‘ully catalogued under the headings set out below:) 1. PLATO. [Meno. — Latin.) Neno, interprete Iienio Aristippo. Edidit V.Kordeuter. Recognovit et praefatione instrivcit C.Labowsky. 19LO. 2 PLATO. I.Phaedo.— Latin.) Phaedo, interprete j73 Henrico Aristippo. Edidit et praefatione q instrwcit L.Minio-Paluello, adiuvante H.J. Drossaart Lulofs. 19O.

    Card ID: 116