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ZOLA mile douard Charles Antoine in (charles) (3)
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ZOLA, mile douard Charles Antoine
Author: ZOLA (mile douard Charles Antoine)
I \ ZOLA (Mile Douard Charles Antoine). [La Faute de l’Abbé Mouret. — English.] Abbé Mouret’s trailagression: a realistic novel.. . Tranelated without abridgment from the 34th French edition, etc. [Edited by H.R.Vizetelly.) pp. 350. Plates. 8°. London, 1886.
Card ID: 549
XTR ZOLA (Mile Douard Charles Antoine). [Madeleine Prat. — glish.) Madeleine Férat: a realistic novel... Translated from the latest French edition. Vizetelly’ s origihal non—illustrated edition. pp. 336. 8. London, 1688.
Card ID: 562
Author: BPROLI (1rc)
2j5WP 969 BPROLI (1rc). See ZDLA (niie Douard Charles Antoine). j1e Ventre de — Paris.) Mile Zola: Ie ventro de Paris. Iition prcc1e d ‘une introduction et aceompegnee de notes histortques et critiques...par M. Daroli. [complementary thesis: University of Paris.] [Paris, 1969].
Card ID: 395