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ZILBOORG Gregory zilboorg (gregory) (5)
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WIER, Johann
Author: ZILBOORG (Gregory)
ZILBOORG (Gregory). The Psycho1oy of the criminal act and punishment. (Psycho—analytical Epitomes, 5) pp. ix. +150. 80. [London], 1955.
Card ID: 122
coF I” ZILBOORG (Gregory). ALEXANDER (Franz G0) and STAUB (Hugo). The Criminal, the judge, and the public... Translated from the Gernan by G. Zllboorg. London, 1931.
Card ID: 123
ZILBOORG (Gregory). The Medical man and the witch during the R— naiesance...Tbe Uideyo Noguchi Lectures. (Publications of the Institute of the Histoxy ofMedicine, the Johns Hopkins Uniirersity, Third series, 2.) pp. x. ÷ 2f5. Pörtrait, ptes and facsimiles. 8°. Baltimore, 1935. Contents: I. The Physiological and psychological aspects of the “Maleus malefioarum”. II.. Medicine and the witch in the sixteenth centurt. III. Johann Weyer, the founder of modern psychiatry.
Card ID: 121
Author: WIER (Johann)
WIER (Johann). See ZILBOORG (Gregory). The Medical man and the witch during the Renaissance, etc. (Part III. Johann Weyer, the7mder of modern psychiatry.) Baltimore, 1935.
Card ID: 9
Author: SPRENGER (Jacob)
Zjf7 SPRENGER (Jacob) and INSTITORIS (Heriricus4. fMalleus Maleficarum.— Appendix.] See ZILBOORG (Gregory). The Medical man and the witch during the Renaissance, etc. (Part I. The Physiological arid psychological aspects of the “Malleus ma1eficaruinI.) Baltimore, 1935.
Card ID: 409