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ZANETTI Antonio Maria a:zanetti antonio maria|k:0970 (1)



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    Author: ZANETTI (Antonio Maria)


    g• I ZANETTI (Antonio Maria), the Younger and. BONGIOVANNI (Antonio). Graeoa D. llaroi Bibliotheca codioum manu scriptorum per titulo digests, [By A. M. Zanetti and A. Bongiovanni. With an appendix.] pp. (2) + . + 323. LL.I.] fol. [Venice,) 1740. Bound in vellum, with the. arms of Lorenzo Tiepolo npminated Librarian of St. k’s, Venl.ce, in stmpadon the covers. No. b7 in the Descriptive Catalogue of Histprical and Arinorial Bookbindings.

    Card ID: 354