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YOUNG Robert a:o robert|k:an (robert) (6)
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YOUNG, Robert
YOUNG, Robert Fitzgibbon
YOUNG, Robert Robertson Reid
Author: YOUNG (Robert)
1J% V\ YOUNG (Robert). Analytical concordance to the Bible, . Edinburth, i8Si. •2• —Sixth edition, revised, . Edinburn, ..[18922. 2,2 L I”tc. Sc, L:1.&4 —Tenth impression of seventh edition, revised.. by W.13 ,Stevenson. London, [1925]. BIBLE. Appendix.-.CQncordances. [En1ish.j
Card ID: 151
A- YOUNG (Robert), Bookse1ie and Orienta1is orEdin— Complete paradigms of the Samaritan verbs, rgu1ar and irregular. pp. 20. ffl. 0.] 12g. Edinbur, C1855.]
Card ID: 154
YOUNG (Robert), Bookseller and Orioñta1i of Tdinbarh Concise cQmnentary on the Holy Bible: bein a companion to the new translation of the Old and Nw Covenants, etc. pp. 194. tI-I. 0.] 8°. dinburh and Ne”r York, rlR35..]
Card ID: 155
I YOUNG (Robert), Bookseller and Orientalist, of Edin— Paradigms of the Syriao verbs, regular and irregular. pp. 24. [TI. O. 12°. Edinbuih, C1855.!
Card ID: 156
Author: YOUNG (Robert Fitzgibbon)
DEPOSITORY YOUNG (Robert Fitzgibbon). Comenius arid the Indians oI New England. pp. 27. 8°. London, 1929.
Card ID: 158
Author: YOUNG (Robert Robertson Reid)
- L— Ijishiitl YOUNG (Robert Robertson Reid) and HARRINGTON (P.J.) Design and construction of [chemistry] laboratories: an exercise in professional collaboration. pp.14. fates. London, 1962. See LONDON. [III.] Royal Instjp.ite of Chemistry. Lecture series, 1962, 3.
Card ID: 159