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YOUNG John Radford a:young john|k:0969 (8)



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    Author: YOUNG (John Radford)


    YOUNG (John Radford). The Analysis and solution of cubic and biquadrat,io equations; forming a sequel to the Elements of alebra, and an introduction to the theory and solution of equations of the higher orders. pp. xx. + 24?. CL. I.] F30. London 1842.

    Card ID: 78

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    Author: YOUNG (John Radford)


    YOUNG (John Radford). An Elementary treatise on algebra, theoretical and practical; with attempts to simplify some: of the more difficult parts of the science, etc. pp. xvi. + 311. [De .J 8°. London, 1826. ‘1j th a ms. note byA.De Morgiinserted.

    Card ID: 80

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    Author: YOUNG (John Radford)


    -‘ YOUNG (John Radford). On an extension of a theorem of Euler, with a determination of the limit beyond which it fails...Extracted from the Transactions of the Royal Irish Acaderay, Vol. XXI., Part II. Read November 30, l47. (Note. — Additional Professor Sir W.R.tlamiiton, respecting the researches of J.T. Graves.) pp. (2) + 31 + (i). [De Li 4°. Dublin printed, 1848.

    Card ID: 83

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    Author: YOUNG (John Radford)


    YOUNG (John Radford). On some properties derivable from the developmont of a binomial; with a simplified proof of a remarkable theorem of Abel. [From the Philosophioal Magazine, vol. 33, 3rd. series, 1848.] pp. 268—275. [De M.] 0 8 . [London, 1848.] Catalogued from the caption. a [Another Copy.]

    Card ID: 85

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    Author: YOUNG (John Radford)


    YOUNG (John Radford). On the general principles of analysis. part I. [London, 18503.. PRINCIPlES.

    Card ID: 86

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    Author: YOUNG (John Radford)


    L° YOUNG (John Radford). On the principle of continuity in reference to certarn results of analysis. From the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Vol. Viii., Part IV. (Read December 7, 1846. — Note.) pp. 14. [De M.J 40 Cambridge printed, 1847.

    Card ID: 87

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    Author: YOUNG (John Radford)


    L2 YOUNG (John Radford). Theory and soltition of a1gebra.oai equatipns of the higher orders...Seoond edition, enlarged. pp. xxiii. + 476. (L.I.i 80. London, 1843.

    Card ID: 89

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    Author: YOUNG (John Radford)


    YOUNG (John Radford). Three lectures addressed to the students of Belfast College, on some of the advantages of mathematical study. To which is added an examination of flume’s argument against miracles. pp. vi. +-88. foe M.1 12°. London, 1846.

    Card ID: 90