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YONAII Michael a:a michael|k:a (michael) (2)



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    Author: YONAII (Michael)


    f Pr7Q AVI-YONAII (Michael). See BIBLE. Appendix. Pictorial Illustrations. Viewa of the biblical world...First international edition. (Editors: M.Avi-Yonah, A.Malamat, H.Tadmor, S.Talmon. English edition prepared under the supervision of M.Dagut, A.Katzen stein, I.Pommerantz. Revised by EH.Sarnuel.) Chicago and New York (Jerusalem and Raniat Gan), f9561.

    Card ID: 351

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    Author: No Author available


    STIJDIA JUDAICA. Studia judaica: Forsehungen zur Wissenschaft des Judentums. Herausgegeben von EL. Ehrlich. [Volumes in this series are fully catalogued under the authors .j t44 1. WINTER (Paul). On the trial of Jesus. 1961. 2. AVI—YONAII (Michael). Geschichte der Juden p tin Zeitalter des Talmud in den Tagen von vom Rom und Byzanz. 1962. 1 .,c 3. SCHOLEM (Gershom G.) Ursprung und Anf.nge der Kabbala. 1962. CSEE IflXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 178