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Y, William Makepeace
THACKERAY, William Makepeace
THACICERAY, William Makepeace
Author: Y (William Makepeace)
TrbLii!G LiFi fS JCj - /4] WECE O!LY THACKERkY (William Makepeace). Flore et Zephyr: ballet mythologique...Par Thopbile Wagstaffe [i.e. W.M.Thaokeray. Lithographs]. 8 plates. fol. London arid Paris, 1836. Catalogued from the wrapper, which is lithographed. The wrapper and the plates are tinted in colour. Wanting the lower wrapper. S.L.C., I. 943.
Card ID: 295
Author: THACKERAY (William Makepeace)
‘çrq THACKERAY (William Makepeace). :° or More Works.J The Paris sketch book of ‘Mr.M.A.Titmarsh, and The Irish ketch book...With illustrations by the author and Harry Furnissb [With a - bibliographical note by L.Melv1le..) (jg Harry Furnjss Qntenai’y Editon) pp. xxxvii. + 577. 8°. ndon, 1911.
Card ID: 265
Author: THACICERAY (William Makepeace)
(S — FEFEt!C O?:lt-Y THACICERAY (William Makepeace). Ballads. pp. viii. + 159. 8°. London, 1855. First seoarate edition. S.L.., 1.973. [Another copy.] Imperfect; wanting the preliminar7 advertisement leaf and the halftitJ.e. Bomnd in a volume lettered: Thackeray’ kiscenanies, Vol 1’. [6E NEXT CARD.i
Card ID: 272