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Y Joseph Henry a:in joseph|k:in (joseph) (4)
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Y, Joseph Henry
POYNTING, John Henry and THOMSON, Sir Joseph John
No Author available
Author: Y (Joseph Henry)
rr cc — cot PAR1Y (Joseph Henry). See ±PO1D. Cantilupe Society. Lpublicatiofls.] The Register of dmund Loy.. . Transcribed by ...J. H. Parry, etc. Hereford printed, 191?. — [Another edition.] EcG_ca”I] - London, 19U3. See LONDON. [IlL 1iisce11aneous Institutions, Societies1 etc.) Canterbury and York Society. [Pub1ietioi No. 22.j
Card ID: 308
Author: POYNTING (John Henry) and THOMSON (Sir Joseph John)
DEPOSITORY POYNTING (John Henry) and THOMSON (Sir Joseph John). A Text—book of physics. 4 vols. Illustrations. 8°. London, l89Q—192Z. 1. Properties of rratter. (Seventh edition). 2. Sound. (intb edition.) 3. Heat. (Sixt.h edition). 4. Eleotriolty and magnetism. Statio Eleot,rioit,y and Magnetism. (Second edition). 2 parts. [For later editions I infra:A University text-book of physics, etc.’
Card ID: 7
Author: No Author available
LOUIS HENRY Joseph IDE BOURBON], Duke de Bourbon, Prince de Condé. See CRETINEAU—JOi,Y (J.A.IA.) Histoire des trois clerniers princes de is maison de Condé, etc. Paris, 1867.
Card ID: 219
(w Y - 41.La /i4jZ,. F& BOWMAN (Henry) and CROVIThER (Joseph Stretch). The Churches of the middle ages: being select specimens of early and middle pointed structures with a few of the purest late pointed examples. 2 vols. fol. ILondon, [1845—531.
Card ID: 429