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Y, John Louis
N, Louis John
C, Louis Chrles and wm’rER, John Garrett
No Author available
Author: Y (John Louis)
- [55 HAN3Y (John Louis). A Bib1iogro.phr of Samuel Ta,rlor Coleridge. pp. xv. + 144. 8. jldeIphj, 1903.
Card ID: 18
Author: N (Louis John)
OVERTOiN (Louis John). Heating and venGil&ting: embracing hot water supply and air treatient. (Fifth edition>...Editeã y F. Flerod. pp. vii. + 340. Illustrations, diagrams, tables and charts. .0 8 . Mnchestx, 1944.
Card ID: 103
Author: C (Louis Chrles) and wm’rER (John Garrett)
f A]ç33 1r KAPDJS]C (Louis Chrles) and wm’rER (John Garrett). Contributions to the history of science. )y L.C.Karpinskl and J.G.Winter. (RoberL of - Chester’s Latin tronslatioii of the Algebra of A1-Khowarizmi. (Edited and translated * into Efriglish, with an introduction, by L.C. Karpirski.])(Univers±ty of Michigan Studies. Hunnnstic Ser±es, 11.) 2 parts in 1 vol. Ports., • and diagrans. Ann Arbor, 1930.
Card ID: 244
Author: ARAGON (Louis)
Y J N ARAGON (Louis). GARAIJDY (Roger). D’un r4alisme sans rivages: Picasso, Saint—John Perse, Kafka. Prdfaoe d ‘Aragon. [Paris, 1964).
Card ID: 330
Author: No Author available
(ix) Tic. [Cc HAN&( (John Louis). The German influence on Samuel Taylor Coleriage. An abridgement of a thesi presented to.,.t,he Universit,.y of Pennsylvania. . .f or the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. pp. iii. + 44. 0 8 Philadelphia, 1902.
Card ID: 19
ct. . — LANDA (Louis A.) ALJGUSTAN REPRINT SOCIE]Y. Series, six: poetry and language. 1 • John Oldmixon, Reflections on Dr.Swift’s letter to Harley, 1712, and Arthur Mainwaring, The British Academy, 1712 With an introduction by L.A.Landa. [Ann Arbqrl, 1948.
Card ID: 258
CEAPL iXLL (NORTH CAROLINA). University of North Carolina. Studies in the Romance languages and literatures. [Continued.) ilk. PEX (Mario Andrew). [Appendix.] Studies in honor of Mario A.Pei. [By various authors.) Edited by John Fisier and Paul A.Caeng. 1972. 115. RANDOLPH (Donald Allen). Don Xanuel Cai’icte, cronistaCfc iiterario del romanticismo y del posromanticismo en0 Esoaa. 1972. ii6.ZDUIs IX., Kin of France, Saint. [Enseigneinents de Saint Louis.] The Teachings of Saint Louis: a critical text, by David O’Connell. 1972. xlM 117. RUBIN (David Lee). higher, hidden order: design and M;7. meaning in the c - erbe. 1972. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 137
COLtThBIA (MISSOURI), University of Missouri. The University of Missouri studies. [New series.) EContinued.] L L. TPnn3 sc s438. BARCLAY (T.S.) The St. Louis Borne Rule r charter of 1876: its framing and adoption. 1962. 39. GaDALLA (Saad. I1.) Land reform in relation to social development: Egypt. 1962. trn’ LO. WILSON (!‘ifliaxn .!nry). The City beautiful ‘< movement in Kansas City. 196L. 41. J4ERING (John V.) The Whig party in Miasoui Y!i 1967. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 107