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Y John a:e |k:e (or) (54)
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Y, John
Y, Kenneth John
Y, John Cann
Y, John Walton
Y, John Thomas
Y, Alfred John
Y, Sir John Harold
Y, John William
Y, John Arthur
Y, John Louis
Y, John Eiward raylor
Y, Philip John
Y, Wifliwn Edward John
Y, John Alexander
Y, John Middleton
Y, John ocwra
Y, John Boynton
Y, John Ernest
Y, Sir John Robert
Y, Sir John
PORRE, ezw’y John
Y, John Dennis and NEWELL, Gordon Ewart
Y, Herbert £Llen and SABY, Peter John
SHEARROFT, Walter Francis Fairf’ax and AV]RY, John Henz’y
Author: Y (John)
A1Y (John). ALBW(Y (WyncUis.u John).
Card ID: 471
BaINLgY (John), the Sider. See CATO CD.) [Disticha de Aoribus.—8ri1Lslz.J Cato translated grarnatical1y [by J.B.,i.e. 3.BriñslGyj, etc. PrLntec by. ror ?flouas A’an: LonZorz,.1622.
Card ID: 417
CATtY (John), Merchant of Bristol. Storia del cornrnercio della Gran Brettagna, etc. See Supra: An Essay on the state of England in relation to its trade, fl.
Card ID: 430
10 r GALSWORThY (John). The Works at John Galaworthy. Grove edition. [Continued.] 20. A Modern comedy. Vol. 2. The Silver spoon. Passers by. 1933. 21. A Moderricomedy. Vol. 3. Swan song. l93U. 22. On Forsyte ‘change. 1938. 23. Candelabra: selected essays and addresses. 1933. 214.. Maid in waiting. 1939. 25. Flowering wilderness. 1936. 26. Over the river. 1937. ESEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 9
‘10 G16F 968 GAWOThY (John). [Letters.] John Galsworthy’s letters to Leon Lion. [Edited) by A.B.Wilson. (Studies in EnglIsh Literature, 15.) pp.223. ±b1ioraihy. 8. The Hague and Paris, 1968.
Card ID: 24
Es U [Lk - STERLING LIBRARY’ REFERENCE O’ GALSWQRTI-1Y (John). The Bells oI’ peace. [A poem.] pp. (4). 8. Cbrde, 1921. Catalomzjied froni tue wroøer.
Card ID: 28
STRLli!G LISRMY StLjI [cJu ;(Hc)J FERICE ONLY GALSWORTFtY (John). The Dark flower. pp. (14) + 302. 8°. -ondon, 1918. First edition, third issue, without a publishers’ oatalogue at the end, S.l.c., II2O.
Card ID: 38
GALSWORThY (John). [The Forsyte Saga.) See supra: [Saialler Collections.)
Card ID: 47
REFEREE _:i1 ONLY GALS iORThY (John). The Foundations: an extravagant p1a in three acts. pp. vi, 90. 8°. London, 1920.
Card ID: 48
Lt!G LICRARY L REFEECE ONLY GALSWORTf{Y (John). Memories...Illustrated by i.Ear1. pp. xi. + 70 + (2). Plates and illustrations. 40• donai’id New York, 1915. This work ws first nublished in “The Inn of Tranquillity.
Card ID: 67
Malcolm Morley Collection GLTSVItflY (John). the Pigeons a fantasy in three acts. 1915.
Card ID: 78
GALSVIORThY (John). See OEEVR ILION (A.) Tbre studies in English literat’.ire: Kipling, Galsworthy, etc. London, 1923.
Card ID: 108