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Y Jean Louis a:a louis|k:in (louis) (8)
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Y, Jean Louis
KE, Jean-Louis
No Author available
EK, Bruno
Author: Y (Jean Louis)
XPQ s96o B2(Y (Jean Louis). See SUE (Marie Joseph Euône). Arthur. Pr&ace de Jean-Louis Dory. [paris], 1917.
Card ID: 189
Author: KE (Jean-Louis)
fXL Gt7a Pic PIcOcKE (Jean-Louis). Un Rorntue espsno1: riq.ue Gil y (Irrasco, 181i6ii5, etc [Thesis: University o Paris.] 2 vo].s. Bilb. and port. LUe) 1972.
Card ID: 328
Author: No Author available
MSO LOUIS XVI., King of France. See HAiET-CLY (Jean B.C.) The hoyal Family in the Temple prison... WIth a supplementary ctpter on the last hours of Louis XVI.,y.:d.l’Abbé Edgeworth de Firmont. Translated from the French by .J.Mras. London and Leiozjg, 1910.
Card ID: 152
I’ Q Gk7a Pie QAJr(RASCX) (Erique). PICDCEE (Jean-Louis). Un Ronantlq.ue espagnol: Thwisue Gil y Qrrasco, 18151814.6, eta. [Thesis: University of Paris.J Lifle, 1972.
Card ID: 373
Author: EK (Bruno)
L936 Jer JERECzEK (Bruno). Louis de Grenade, disciple de Jean dtAvila. [Thesis: University at Parisj pp. xv, 501. Bibi. Font ene,y—le-Comte, [19711.
Card ID: 289
YP WiI2E 976 Reference on].y WELCH (Maurice Denton). Dumb instrument: poems and franents. Edited with an iith-oduction and notes by Jean-Louis Chevalier. Decorations by Denton Welch. pp. 8. Frontis. London, 1976. Edition limited to 66o cq,ies.
Card ID: 304
C)CzCrL. ft+.”K 1.f1.(y.,Jj1 LOUIS XI., lUng of France. See TRISTAN L’HER?iITE (Jean Baptiste), Seineur de Soliers. Le Cabinet du roy Louis XI. contenaxit plusieurs fragmens, lettres misslues, & secretes intrigues di regne de ce monarque...eceüjj1jes [sic] de diuerses archiues & tresors [by J.B.Tristan-I’Rerzijte]. Paris, i66i.
Card ID: 69
VIE MUSICALE Fi FRANCE SOUS LES ROIS BOURBONS. Vie musicale en France sous les Rois Bourbons... 1xrie: Etudes. Lntinued.] () iLl 2. LANGERS (Louis). Dix annes la Chapeile -Royale de Musigue d apr une correspondance in&lite <1718-17285 [between I.ouis L.angers and Jean De1anarre], etc. 1957. y- ci 3. DUFOURCQ (Nor). Notes et references pour servir i ie Histc,ire de Michel—flichard Delalande ...Pub1ies...sous la direction dei.f9ci57. 4. BPTHE1Y (Maurice). Andre ampra: sa ‘ne et oeuvre, <166J_17441, j. 1957. [SEE NEXT Ci.RD.)
Card ID: 103