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Y Jean Antoine Victor a:et jean de|k:et (jean de) (1)



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    Author: Y (Jean Antoine Victor)


    xf icusi Mar Reference cc*3e MA!?P:N DE MOUS3Y (Jean Antoine Victor). [Description Gographique et Statistique de la Confederation Argentine. - Spanish.] Descripcin geogx4.fica y eetadistica de ).a Confed— eraci6n Areriina.. .Atla. Material oar togrfico en reproducctón facsii.lar [of the edition of 1873]. (Tre4uccin [of the introduction] de Elva do L6izaga.) (iblioteca dcl Seouicentenario.) pp.22, OX maps. Thienos Aires, 1963. Only the Atlae was published in this edition.

    Card ID: 572