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Y Jean a:y jean|k:0796 (10)
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Y, Jean
Y, Claudlus Jean Paicerthani
Y, Jean Louis
Y, Pierre Jean Baptiste
Y, Jean Antoine Victor
Y, Jean Charles Augusto
Y, Jean Baptiste
Y, Jean Baptiste Henri and CORR At, Alexandra
Author: Y (Jean)
L sEoiiY (Jean). Atlas linguistique et ethnographique de la Gascogne. Par J.Séguy, etc. (Nouve1at1as Dirigd par in8. fol. ou1ouse (and Paris), 195L1_73.
Card ID: 467
a SGflY (Jean). Les Noms populaires des plantes dans les Pyrnées Centrales. With a bibliography. I (Npnograras del Instituto de Estuclios Pirenaicos Filo1ogia. 18.) pp. xxv. + Ij-l. Maps and tables. 0 8 . Barcelona, 1953.
Card ID: 469
MSPv/ 9k THThY (Jean). La Seconde abaication de Napo1on ler. [With a bibliography.] pp. vi. + 294 1’ (2). 8°. Pang, 1945. Part of the Collection NapQléon Bonaparte.
Card ID: 556
Author: Y (Claudlus Jean Paicerthani)
Yo H26GT 97 BEAI9Y (Claudlus Jean Paicerthani). See HARDY (Thonas), the Novelist. Desperate remedies: a novel.. . Introduction by C.J.P. Beatty. London and Basin€stoke, 1975.
Card ID: 20
Author: Y (Jean Louis)
XPQ s96o B2(Y (Jean Louis). See SUE (Marie Joseph Euône). Arthur. Pr&ace de Jean-Louis Dory. [paris], 1917.
Card ID: 189
Author: Y (Pierre Jean Baptiste)
:1: -)c-\• L GRAI) D’At$$Y (Pierre Jean Baptiste). $ee PRTOOiEUS, Count of Blois. Partenopex de B1oi...Free1y trns1ated train the French of 1. Le Grand, etc. London ‘and Eainburgh, 1807.
Card ID: 88
Author: Y (Jean Antoine Victor)
xf icusi Mar Reference cc*3e MA!?P:N DE MOUS3Y (Jean Antoine Victor). [Description Gographique et Statistique de la Confederation Argentine. - Spanish.] Descripcin geogx4.fica y eetadistica de ).a Confed— eraci6n Areriina.. .Atla. Material oar togrfico en reproducctón facsii.lar [of the edition of 1873]. (Tre4uccin [of the introduction] de Elva do L6izaga.) (iblioteca dcl Seouicentenario.) pp.22, OX maps. Thienos Aires, 1963. Only the Atlae was published in this edition.
Card ID: 572
Author: Y (Jean Charles Augusto)
IClllLU’1Y (Jean Charles Augusto). ee LiEISSAS CA.) and tICRLOT (J.C.A.) Goraphie ancienne comparéc avec la g6oçraphio moderne, etc. paris, l8C.O.
Card ID: 279
Author: Y (Jean Baptiste)
&Y (Jean Baptiste). De l’objet. et de 1’uti1i des statisticjues. (Extrait de l.a Revue Enc1yclopedique, io5e Cah. P. XXXV., Neuvieme annee. Seconde srie . Sept.embre 1827.) pp. 27. [G. G. 3 8. [Paris, 1827].
Card ID: 559
Author: Y (Jean Baptiste Henri) and CORR At (Alexandra)
UKZ Saw SAVIGtY (Jean Baptiste Henri) and CORR At (Alexandra). Narrative of a voyage to Senegal in i8i6... Comprising an account of the shipwreck of the 4edusa, the sufferings of the crew and the various occurrences on board the raft...To ahich are subjoineci observations respecting the agriculture of the western coast of .Africa...With the notes of H.Bredf, etc. (Translated from the French. J (Second edition.) pp. xii. + 360. Portrait and plate. 8°. London, 1818.
Card ID: 281