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Y Isaac a:l q|k:l (q) (2)



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    Author: Y (Isaac)


    i$Y (Isaac). Scarabs: the history, marwfactur and religious synbolisi of t,he soarabus in ancient ypt, Phnicia, Sarlinia, truria, etc.; also rewarks on the learning, philosophy, arts, ethics, psychology, ideas as to the inoortality of tle soul, etc., of’ the ancient yptians, hnicians, etc. pp.xxvii. J77. 8. lon’ion, 1a94. Another copy.) fH.P. L. I -\. q_ t.J

    Card ID: 96

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    Author: Y (Isaac Preston)


    CO±Y (Isaac Preston). Metaphysical inquir,r into the method, objects, and, result of ancient and moaerri philosophy. pp. 222. [G.G.] London, 1833. Issued in a volume with the aut,hors ‘Myth.ological inuiry” and Ghronologica.L Iuiry bot!i pub--: lished in 183j, witha• collective ha1f—tit1ifor the tnxee works.

    Card ID: 234