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Y Henry Crosby y (henry crosby) (2)
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Y, Henry Crosby
Y, Henry Lamar
Author: Y (Henry Crosby)
EMEiY (Henry Crosby). Some eôonomic apeets of war, A leot1uro delivered before the Ax’my War College at Washingt1on, D. C., April 11, 3.913... Pu11ished by the War Department for distribution in connection with the eduoat,ional work of the Army. pp. 24, 8. Washton, 1914.
Card ID: 202
Author: Y (Henry Lamar)
C CosY (Henry Lamar) 0 DION,-Chrysos-tom. - - Dio Chrysostom. With an English translationby J.W.Cohoon (and H.L,Crosby). Londonand New York (and Cambrid, Mass., 1932, etc.
Card ID: 273