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Y Francis Edward y (francis) (3)
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Y, Francis Edward
DICKINSON, Francis Jeiü’y
No Author available
Author: Y (Francis Edward)
SAEDL]Y (Francis Edward) Harry Coverdale’s courtship, and all that came of it. pp. vii. + 390. Plates. 8°. London, 1899. With a second engraved titlepage.
Card ID: 151
Author: DICKINSON (Francis Jeiü’y)
• MW DICKINSON (Francis Jeiü’y). See SCI1.ERSET. Somerset Record Society. [Public atTöns. j 3. Kirby’s Quest for Somerset. Nomina Villarum for Somerset of i6th. of Edward the 3rd. Exoheuer Lay Subsidies 169/ which is a Tax Roll for Somerset of the first year of Edward. the 3rd. County Rate of 1742. Hufidreds and parishes, etc.’ of Somerset as given in the Census of 1841. [Edited, with an intro— ductionj, by F. H. Dickinson. tLonoon printed), 1869.
Card ID: 28
Author: No Author available
L.jJ(iii’)2 Ctp.’: P A., E..- -. - The Shakespeare problem: a paper for students lascribing the authorship of T1Pedaitius’T to Francis-Bacon.] By LA. [i.e. Edward George Harman.] pp. 24. [D.—L.L.J 8°. London, 1909. - (L q i. 4CON S’cIET [nother copy.) ino y Bound in a va]ujue _lettered: ShIcespeare—Bacon - Controversy. VI..
Card ID: 20