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Y Alfred Richard y (richard) (3)
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Y, Alfred Richard
ALINGTON, Adrian Richard
HANSON, Richard Patrick Orosland
Author: Y (Alfred Richard)
4-r%L’- Q1j MOWBRtY (Alfred Richard). The Deformation and the Reformation. I. 1e House of sod. II. The Holy Table... Designed by Abfl.Mowbray. fLithographs.] 9 plates. [s.n.J 8°. fc. 1870j. Imperfect: vtan.tinc the tit1e—pae and P.ate 2. Bound in a volume lttered : ett ers. Puev &c. 1837—41.1.
Card ID: 392
Author: ALINGTON (Adrian Richard)
Y?7 Str ALINGTON (Adrian Richard). See STRONG (Leonard Alfred George). Beginnings, etc. [Essays by A.Alingtoa and other writers ot7Tction on their own literary beginnings. iited by L.A.G.Strong.) 80. London, 1935.
Card ID: 371
Author: HANSON (Richard Patrick Orosland)
HANSON (Richard Patrick Orosland). See LEANEY (Alfred R.C.) A Guide to the Scrolls: Nottingham studies on the Quznran discoveries. y A.R.C.Leaney (edito, R.P.C. Hanson, J.Posen London, 1958.
Card ID: 47