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XE William it (william) (8)



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    Author: XE (William)


    OPO8ITORy BURI3XE (William), professor of Physiology at Lucknow University. Excitability. A cardiac study. (Oxford. Medical Publications.) pp. 208. 8. London, 1932. WIth annotatio by Vi.7.V1ai1er, and a letter at the back of the volwae ro the author to W.W.Vialler.

    Card ID: 24

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    Author: LAWRENCE (William John)


    N’Xe LAWRENCE (William John). Old theatre days and ways. pp. 255 + (1). ates and facsiJ.e.a. 80. ndon, 1935.

    Card ID: 190

  • card

    Author: VIFIISTON (William)


    Xe I , L L”1’ VIFIISTON (William), M.A. Prlectiones pb.ysioo—mathemaUc Cantabrigic in scholls publicis habit. Quibus Philo— sophia illustrissimi Newtoni mathematica explicatius traditur, & facilius dernonstratur: Cometographia etiam Ha.lleiana conimentariolo illustratur, etc. pp. (4) + 367. Diagrams and tables. r5M.] 8°. Cambridge, 1710.

    Card ID: 173

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    Author: HAURA (William Frederic)


    xe JN Hau HAURA (William Frederic). The Reception of Goethe’s Faust in ng1and in the first half of the nineteenth century. (Columbia University Germanic Stuctie.) pp. x. + Bibliography. 80. Nev York, 1909.

    Card ID: 212

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    Author: AUCEN (William Appleton)


    I4VPM NOT Aik AUCEN (William Appleton). The Conduct of the Earl of Nottingham. Being a continiation by several hands of Nr.Archdeacon Echard’s History of England from the time of the establishment of iCing William and Queen Mary upon the throne in the year i688 until the death of Her Majesty some five years later. To which are added some remarks upon the previous and succeeding? reIgns by the Rt.Hon.Denicl, Earl of Nottingham. Methodiz td connected end edited from hitherto unpublished manuscripts by W.A.Aiken. (Yale Historical Publications. Manuscripts and E,uited Texts, 17.) pp. Xe + 182. rortrait. . New Haven and London, 1941.

    Card ID: 380

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    Author: No Author available


    -,graphy CC25.& (Canthrdge] rn Reference only HALL (Catherine Priscilla). See CAMBRI]XE. UnIversity of Cambridge. [Appendix.) William Rysleys catalogue of the University munlments, compiled In 11*20. [Edited, with an introduction] by C.P.Hall. eprinted from Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, Vol. IV, 2., etc. 8°. [Cambridge), 1965.

    Card ID: 78

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    Author: No Author available


    cov1LLIs (j William). Essayes, by r. William Cornwallis, the younger, Knight. Newlie corrected [by H.OlrAey]. (Essayes, the second part. Discourses upon Seneca the tragedi&.) parts in 1 vol. [D.—L.I.] 8°. THareror.jJ&Larriott1: 1632. jegen er i tit -pj itiagesQ. p art 2rid 3 xe_ d 1 1 • i thout thjgjuar e cont1.

    Card ID: 385

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    Author: No Author available


    Gt.TrHRI (William), of Brechin. A New system of PAoder Geography.) System of modern geography; or, a Geographical, historical, and commercial grammar, and present state of the several kingdoms of the world... The astronomical part by J. Ferguson. To which have been added the late discoveries of Dr. Merachel and other eminent astronomers. The seventh edition, corrected and greatly enlarged. pp. xe + (2) + 1115. Tabl. [D.—L. L.] 4°. London, 1811.

    Card ID: 193