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X Williani an (williani) (5)



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    Author: AN (Williani)


    DEPO8iT0t RIE]iAN (Williani). Quantitative analtsis: a theoretical approach. By W. Rieman, J.D. rleuss and B. ITaiman. Second edition. [with a bibliography.] (International Chemical Series.) pp. xi. + L1.96. Diagrams and tablis. 0 New York and London. 19L1.2. —Third edition. pp. x. + 523. Diarams and tables. 8°. New York, 1951.

    Card ID: 297

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    Author: X (Williani)


    1Tit!X (Williani), !.S.A. An Exc tc. the lakes in “restorlri’1 and L1berland, with a t&w ,t’oh part ot t.h northern couati3s in the years 177 and 1774. 3. 32. 1ate.2.. L. I.] 80 L4oridon 17o.

    Card ID: 145

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    Author: BARRY (John Vjcent Williani) and PATON (Sir George L’ihite-cross)


    SOE Bar BARRY (John Vjcent Williani) and PATON (Sir George L’ihite-cross). An Introduction to the criminal law in Australia. By J.V.Barry and GW.Paton, assisted by G.Sawer. Preface by P.H.Winfield. (glish Studies in Criminal Science, 6. pp. x, 128. London, 1948.

    Card ID: 159

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    Author: No Author available


    C3 L1i N., J. A Collection of li the wills, nov knowii -o be extant, of the kings and queens of Eng1and, princes and princesses of Wales, and every branch of the blood royal, from the reign of WillIani the Conqueror to that of Henry the Seventh exclusive. tEdited by JN., i.e. J. Nichols.] With explanatory notes and a glossary [by R.Gough). pp. X + 434. 40 London, 1780.

    Card ID: 15

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    Author: No Author available


    (X’II’fh._jo.._ k LI’’ It SHAKESPEARE (Williani). !cing Henry IV. Part I.]The Hystorie of Henry the fourth. [4 leaves (sig.C), from an early edition of the play, possibly the first.) 4°. [London, 1598?] £rQin the 1flV3E Qf th fragment, formerly in the possession Of -J.O. Hailiwell jrwards Haliiwell—Phillipps). Withtwó prelimin— ary leaves, also in_acsiUe. t1 fir5jnga si lear1Lfrorn acoy of “The Tragedy or Dar1us’ (16O41 1iwli! h relating to the Hy IV. fragment.

    Card ID: 56