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WYNNE William a:s william|k:it (william) (2)



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    Author: WYNNE (William)


    •‘• WYNNE (William), Sereant—at—Lati. The Life of Sir L.Jenidns, Judge of the High— Court of Admiralty.. .Ambassador and Pleni— otentiary for the general peace at Cologn and Nimeguen...and a compleat series of letters from the beginning to the end of those two important treaties.. .With many valuable papers...relating to the rights and privileges of the Univeraities...and the resolution of many...points in the Conmion and Civil Law, laws of merchants and of nations that arose within the time of his inonistry, etc. 2 vo],s. Portrait. [L.I.] fol. London, 1724.

    Card ID: 273

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    Author: WYNNE (William Arnold Smith)


    t4) WYNNE (William Arnold Smith). St.Olave’s Priory and Bridge, Herringfleet, Suffolk. pp. v. + 101. Portraits, plates, maps and plan. 8°. Norwich, 1914.

    Card ID: 274