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WYLD Henry Cecil Kennedy a:c henry|k:c(c) (3)



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    Author: WYLD (Henry Cecil Kennedy)


    WYLD (Henry Cecil Kennedy). The Best English: a claim for the superiority of received standard English. Together with notes on Mr. Gladstone’s pronunciation. [Oxfordj, 1934. ENGLAND. [Miscellaneous Subheadings.] Society for Pure English. [Tracts, 39.]

    Card ID: 106

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    Author: WYLD (Henry Cecil Kennedy)


    WYLD (Henry Cecil Kennedy) HistorIcal study of the mother tongue: an introduction to philological method. pp. xi. + 381. [L.w.L.] 0 8 . London1 1906. +

    Card ID: 110

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    Author: WYLD (Henry Cecil Kennedy)


    M,c v6) WYLD (Henry Cecil Kennedy) - The Universal thetionar4y of the English language: a new and. original compilation giving all pro— nunciations in simplified and in more exact phonetic notations, extensive etymologies, definitions, the latest accepted words in scientific, technical, and general use, with copious i.lustrat.ive phrases, and colloquialisms. Edited byM. C. Wyld. With an appendix by H. Buss. (New edition.) [With a bibliography.} pp. xix. + (i) + 1440. 4°. [London]-, 1936. 7

    Card ID: 117